Pages matching './*' Castelnuevo's criterion flop charge ample cone anticanonical pair type III degeneration Looijenga's conjecture 2022-11-06 Griffiths Harris Surface Notes Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjectures toric variety tilting sheaf valuative criterion of completeness Mori cone numerically equivalent intersection product (between a divisor and curve) O_X and divisors open immersion star subdivision 2022-09-14 twisted differential operator normal cone multiplicity strongly convex cone 2022-09-10 tangent sheaf Lefschetz principle Chow's theorem List of open conjectures in AG adjunction formula Fundamental SESs in algebraic geometry hyperdescent exponential exact sequence numerical equivalence degree of a projective variety computations of picard groups isocrystal example computations of divisor class groups exercises in toric geometry Fourier-Mukai semistability semistable morphism Riemann surface dynamics automorphisms necessitate stacks GLSM psi class FJRW theory p-curvature QCoh(B) is equivalent to Rep(G) tangent complex dilogarithm Madsen-Tillmann spectrum CM Brauer-Manin obstruction supersingular Constructing stacks Videos strong factorization examples of toric varieties theta divisor intermediate Jacobian Lefschetz 1-1 theorem Barratt-Priddy-Quillen Talbot Talk Outline 1 Sample Tasks spherically complete examples of fans example of class group computations determinental variety Jacobian conjecture Noetherian induction general position examples of varieties computations of divisor class groups secondary polytope polytope simplicial complex chamber Coxeter fan weight lattice fundamental weights positive root dominant weight global dimension Serre's criterion complex algebraic geometry computations of canonicals Mori fiber space contract Tuesday, January 1 examples of computing Hodge diamonds Weyl vector Iwasawa decomposition ADE classification F4 G2 E6 E7 Type C Type D Type A Type B Dynkin diagrams E8 lattice theorem of the square regular decomposition split torus semiabelian variety stable reduction theorem cubic surfaces weighted stable rational curve toroidal compactifications the category of motives showing an equivalence of derived categories Whitney umbrella prestack Satake isomorphism motivic integration Frobenius kernel Tannaka-Krein duality fundamental representation SU2 weyl character formula SO3 maximal tori tori spherical harmonic Weyl complete reducibility Cremona transformation Kodaira-Parshin trick Atiyah bundle parabolic bundle comes from geometry character lattice stable del Pezzo pair stable pair slc o-minimality global Torelli Luna's slice theorem the numerical criterion extended Dynkin diagrams brane quasi-smooth Weil zeta function invertible polynomial Picard-Fuchs laplacian flow Oxford course codes martingale category O talk note index moduli of shtukas Simpson correspondence Hochster's Direct Summand Conjecture Bhatt-Lurie fpqc fppf almost mathematics almost purity Abel-Jacobi map Serre functor exceptional collection del Pezzo F1 q-analog rigid cohomology formal cohomology standard model string theory Coxeter group fully dualizable Untitled norms in equivariant homotopy Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel Burnside ring (homotopy theory) equivariant homotopy group representation sphere Hausdorff measure determinant of an operator showing an analytic function is rational examples of zeta function computations sheaf category smooth category infty topos noncommutative algebraic geometry Azumaya algebra lisse-etale recollements classifying stack spectral algebraic geometry efd theorem orthogonal spectra Weil group nonabelian class field theory motivation for stacks maximal abelian extension examples of homotopy groups of spectra phantom maps fracture theorem Adams resolution example computations of Steenrod operations mapping telescope rational homotopy combinatorial model category saturated local objects in a category accessible functor cocomplete presentation of a category adjoint functor theorem Dwyer-Kan equivalence example computations of Brauer groups spectral Brauer group examples of Picard group computations Galois spectra examples of THH computation monopole homotopy type monopole Floer homology Fontaine-Mazur conjecture from geometry topological groupoid Hitchin moduli space P=W conjecture Andre-Oort conjecture Mordell-Lang conjecture moduli space of connections orientations of moduli spaces Calabi-Yau fourfold instanton Donaldson-Thomas invariants Haydys-Witten Kapustin-Witten Vafa-Witten homotopy groups of Lie groups canonical isomorphism arithmetic Chow higher Chow groups Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch arithmetic intersection theory semistable comparison theorem period ring general type Mathematician interviews full monodromy abelian scheme filtered module crystalline representation de Rham crystalline comparison Hermite-Minkowski pure of weight hyperbolic surface hodge bundle Dessin d'enfant Kodaira-Parshin Lawrence-Venkatesh p-adic monodromy theorem Hodge-Tate representation etale comparison theorem Grothendieck monodromy theorem crystalline site isomonodromic deformation Baratt-Priddy-Quillen almost all unlikely intersection wreath product laplacian summaries minimal surface Mostow rigidity open image congruent number problem Artin L function spectral space Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions most curves GUE stochastic PDE Lefschetz fibration polyfolds Kuranishi spaces exact symplectic manifolds weight filtration hyperbolic curve quasi-unipotent IC Hilbert 21 singular support Weyl algebra Goldfeld conjecture homotopy limit Fuchsian group Weil restriction disambiguating products and coproducts disambiguating completion and localization microlocal tmf Drinfeld center evaluation maps stable curve Hermitian K theory poincare category quadratic space examples of derived categories affine Grassmannian Hecke stack geometric satake Drinfeld module arithmetic cohomology special values of L functions plectic conjecture ind-smooth examples of computations of Hodge numbers Artinian algebra BV quantization THH anabelian fitting ideal proper base change Kloosterman sums Rankin-Selberg convolution multiplicative group Picard Lefchetz theory cohomology with compact support l-adic sheaves applications of Weil conjectures intersection cohomology elliptic genera McKay correspondence monodromy conjecture motivic zeta function log discrepancy stringy invariants Quillen minimal model program log resolution nearby cycle functor specialization genus-degree formula hypersurface Milnor fibration stable homotopy group of spheres 1 cohomology of lens spaces cohomology of infinite complex projective space Wang sequence Infinity category talk spectrum objects in an infinity category property vs structure polarization second category Gromov compactness bubbling Hessian Morse homology Poincare Lemma flat family loop stack graded mixed algebra modern developments moduli space equivariant sheaves Rep root system weighted point count Eilenberg-Mazur swindle derived stack etale descent complex K theory tensor triangulated category sheaf associated to a module Proj flat morphism projective universally closed morphism open subscheme Noetherian scheme inverse image scheme definitions examples of Chern classes Iwasawa theory henselization thickening tame inertia geometrically connected etale fundamental group finitely generated etale morphism normal scheme examples of etale fundamental groups examples of homotopy groups action separably closed examples of Chow rings computational properties of Chow computational properties of K theory Milnor K theory transverse Bezout's theorem enumerative geometry Bertini's theorem length of a module one parameter family fiber of a vector bundle over a scheme linear system projectivization very general locally closed irreducible integral scheme moving lemma interpolation random matrix Reading Seminar Infty Cats Draft 1 representation stack compactly supported cohomology for quotient stacks Mirzakhani examples of classifying spaces self intersection klt tangent cone lattice Contact Project Draft 2 Casson invariant virtual index subschemes are zero sections CSM class constructible functions integrable system pure Hodge structure group completion socle unimodular Waldhausen manifold plumbing Seifert manifold Todd genus Hilbert series K theory in AG gonality G theory theta function Schubert Cohen-Macaulay regular sequence Mackey functor idemptotent-complete category assembly examples of K theory rings Hodge filtration Analysis MOC vanishing cycles quotient stack schemes are functors accidental isomorphisms cohomology of unitary groups fundamental unit Cohomology of loop spaces of spheres cohomotopy fundamental group Mapping cylinder Hasse invariant Galois cohomology tate duality Tate-Shafarevich group Cohen-Lenstra galois morphism Lefschetz motive Skolem-Noether theorem dimension shifting delta function cohomological dimension Blakers Massey continuous group cohomology local on the base Luna etale slice theorem group scheme antiholomorphic involution Lagrangian Killing form GIT quotient smooth points Borel Artin stack Deligne-Mumford stack stackification level structure character variety homological stability Dehn invariant Borel regulator Chern-Simons invariant Stokes theorem differential forms Enriques-Kodaira Classification Jacobian Ricci curvature Torelli quantum cohomology stable map CM field tate conjecture SH Berkovich spaces VHS A hat genus ADE singularities Aatiyah-Singer Index Theorem Burnside ring (algebraic geometry) Calabi-Yau manifold Calabi-Yau object of a category Chevalley-Eilenberg complex DG category Dedekind zeta function Dold-Kan correspondence Fredholm operator Frobenius twist GAGA Gauss-Manin Goodwillie calculus Harvard Real Analysis HW and Solutions Hilbert 12 Hilbert 90 Hodge index theorem Hodge theory Hurwitz space Infinite loop space Integration along the fiber Jacobi theta Kazhdan Lusztig conjecture Laplace-Beltrami operator Lazard ring Lefschetz fixed point theorem Lie algebra Lie group Lubin-Tate theory Maschke's theorem Maurer-Cartan Milnor Conjecture Morava E theory Neron Severi O(D) for D a divisor Papers to Read Physics Poincare conjectures Poisson structure Pontryagin dual Rees construction Riemannian geometry Rokhlin theorem Schoenflies conjecture Schur's Lemma Serre duality Shimura variety Stein Stieltjes integral Strong approximation Tamagawa numbers Tate module Three-manifolds MOC Twisted K theory Waldhausen S construction Weierstrass p function Weil divisor Weil reciprocity Weinstein Zariski tangent space adelic group adjoint representation algebraic space analytic class number formula anti self dual aspherical space characters cobordism spectrum cohomology theory complex bordism complex oriented cohomology theory conservative functor degree of a morphism discriminant divisor divisor class group dualizable object of a category elliptic operator equivalence of categories equivariant cohomology finitely presented foliate framed gauge theory geometric Langlands group object lambda connection lax functor lefschetz pencil line bundle linear category local system local to global metric mixed motive moment map nodal curve number field open book decomposition perfect field potentially semistable principal divisor profinite completion proper morphism purity theorem regular scheme rigid category section conjecture semistable conjecture smooth structure splitting principle stable homotopy groups of spheres stacks MOC symplectic universally closed unstable homotopy groups of spheres vertical and horizontal subspace 2021-04-23 Advice on research and problems equivariant homotopy theory relative spec modules are like sheaves perverse t-structure reduced cohomology stratified flow Reading notes - Singular Points on Complex Hypersurfaces HOTT intersection form Brown-Peterson spectra Alexander duality homotopy equivalent manifolds are cobordant cohomology rings as coalgebras homology of a point as a coefficient ring subcanonical Leray spectral sequence constructible sheaf direct image Kummer sequence locally quasi-finite examples of computations of etale cohomology Pontrayagin-Thom cohomology operations Bockstein Cohomology of BSO Pontrayagin class flag variety Stiefel-Whitney class EHP sequence homotopy groups of spheres examples of cohomology rings Serre class multiplicative spectral sequence bisimplicial set spectral sequence of a double complex Gysin sequence spectral sequence of a tower examples of spectral sequences motivation for spectral sequences descent category higher classifying spaces for topological groups constructing BU_n covering space fundamental class universal coefficient theorem Moore spaces CW complex homotopy fiber homotopy groups weak equivalence Hopf fibration smash product homotopy compact-open topology compactly generated space Cartesian closed category pointed category RAPC Frobenius morphism degree of a closed point log differential forms families Exercises in complex AG pushforward Lefschetz hyperplane theorem quasicompact motive automorphic L function reduction mod p Gelfand duality topological category vortex equation rigidity dg manifold deformation quantization deformation theory is controlled by dg Lie algebras Hodge-to-deRham degeneration derived de Rham cohomology Gerstenhaber bracket Lie algeberoid free cocompletion Ind objects bordered Heegaard Floer homology Heegard-Floer homology homological mirror symmetry Liouville manifold exact triangle associahedra Lagrangian Floer homology flow categories manifold with corners local spectra trace map equivariant cochains finite spectrum Pin group Seiberg-Witten theory Whitney trick Floer homotopy Morava K theory span twisted arrow category internal category equivariant functor group actions on categories 2-category bicategory spectral category periodic sphere spectrum filtered spectra homotopy fixed points Grothendieck category cosmos weighted colimit differential geometry Algebraic Topology Contact project advice on talks perverse sheaf Enriques surface gerbe a stack is a category fibered in groupoids Gorenstein triangulated category arithmetic progressions GRH May recognition principle Moore spectrum spectra are modules over the sphere spectrum cocone topological K theory arithmetic and 3-manifolds spec Z as a curve Nygaard filtration inverse Galois problem p-adic formal schemes de Rham-Witt rigid geometry valuation ring Witt's lemma formally smooth relative dimension Project Queue categorification configuration space skeleta tensored homotopy coherence Novikov ring correspondences Dolbeaut cohomology presentable category minimal model program symmetric monoidal infty category animated rings cyclotomic character Faltings theorem admissible representation abelian variety Dieudonne module Hodge-Tate conjecture semistable reduction crystalline cohomology CY metric virtual fundamental class normal bundle motivic cohomology intersection theory derived lci nonarchimedean Gromov-Witten invariants SYZ torus fibration holonomy mapping class group structured ring spectrum coherent module stable infinity category cartesian fibration Barr-Beck coequalizer abelian category projective formal disk Hodge F-crystal Hodge polygon Serre-Tate theory dg Lie algebras thick subcategory Morita equivalence modules over an algebra universal enveloping algebra coalgebra whiskering modules over a category Weyl group parahoric depth fine sheaf six functor formalism conormal sequence Euler sequence locally free sheaf ideal sheaf twisting sheaves complete valuative criterion of separatedness O_X module j invariant 4-manifolds Andrew Blumberg, Floer homotopy theory and Morava K-theory Atiyah Hirzebruch spectral sequence Beuzart-Plessis, On the spectral decomposition of the Jacquet-Rallis trace formula and the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for unitary groups Bousfield localization Chern class Classical homological algebra Contact Day convolution Eilenberg-MacLane spaces Euler class Formal group Freudenthal suspension Fukaya category Geometric Topology (Subject MOC) H-space Hensel's Lemma Hopf algebra Hopf invariant one Kan complex Kan extension Kodaira vanishing Kronecker-Weber theorem Log geometry Mirror Symmetry Model category theory Morse Theory Obstruction Theory Obstruction theory in homotopy Open Problems Poincare homology sphere Quillen adjunction Riemann-Hilbert correspondence Selmer group Serre fibration Serre spectral sequence Steenrod algebra Stiefel manifold TQFT Thom space Topological cyclic homology Tsen's theorem Weil cohomology Whitehead's theorem Yoneda lemma Zariski's main theorem algebra over a ring associated bundle blowup central simple algebra characteristic class chromatic homotopy theory classifying space closed immersion cobordism coend cofiber sequence cohomolology theory derived algebraic geometry enriched category equivariant stable homotopy theory examples of fibrations fibrant and cofibrant objects function field geometric fiber geometric realization homotopy theory induction infinity categories invertible module local complete intersection localization (category theory) mixed characteristic modular curve moduli stack of elliptic curves monad monodromy representation motivic L function nerve operad period quadratic form quasicoherent sheaf reduction of structure group representation theory semistable sheaf cohomology simplicial set smooth algebra spectra spectral sequence spin surgery tautological bundle topos tor amplitude transfers vector bundles wall-crossing Galois descent functor of points songruence subgroups hyperbolic 3-manifold Betti moduli Hodge decomposition Zhiwei Yun project group valuative criterion of properness excellent Artin approximation Universal family fiber product Fermat's Last Theorem Sato-Tate conjecture adjoint topological stack Neron-Tate height height rational points Hilbert symbol number field function field analogy ramification divisor tamely ramified canonical divisor model of a scheme good reduction Hodge diamonds kahler identities almost complex structure L infty algebra Cech cohomology highest weight superalgebra symplectic quotient Hilbert scheme weighted projective space equivariant K theory stringy topology orbifold fundamental group SL2 toric Serre-Swan Riemannian curvature Lie algebra valued form flat bundle alteration strict normal crossings divisor resolution of singularities devissage very ample divisor nef divisor hyperellptic quaternion algebra orthogonal group syntomic local theta correspondence tempered Principal series representations automorphic representation Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture automorphic form Landweber exactness moduli of formal group laws covering open immersion of schemes Fano variety dualizing sheaf dominant morphism degeneration central fiber big arithmetic genus Hasse-Weil Zeta Brill-Noether theorem simplicial algebra representation ring A_infty BV algebra DGA twist loop space weak and hard Lefschetz theorems l-adic cohomology coherent sheaves shifted symmetric functions Hasse principle Hasse bound Lie algebra types simple normal crossings Chebotarev density arithmetic Frobenius group cohomology congruence subgroup ray class field Kummer theory density L function Gamma function Riemann Zeta Arakelov connected ring factorial Adeles dimension ring of integers Krull's principal ideal theorem Noetherian adic completion Cauchy completion Dedekind-Kummer theorem Artin symbol Normalization ramification index field norm reduced base change fractional ideal contraction integrally closed Krull dimension Archimedean place etale unramified Algebraic de Rham cohomology Brauer group Calabi-Yau DVR K3 Surfaces Kahler Mordell-Weil Riemann-Roch Tannakian absolute value bar construction birational canonical bundle class group compact object of a category conductor connection curvature curves cusp form descent faithfully flat finite type invertible sheaves limit localization modern category theory orbifold order p-adic integers perfectoid principal bundle profinite group quadratic reciprocity quaiseparated regular ring riemannian manifold separable separated smooth scheme special fiber symplectic group tangent bundle tensor category tilting torsor fibration Langlands absolute Galois group perfect complexes Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture derived scheme monoidal category quantization A1 Homotopy flat connection Lie algebroid derived stacks Rohklin's theorem site Whitehead torsion h-cobordism s-cobordism cosheaf D modules Riemann Hypothesis Masterclass in Condensed Mathematics Math Reading List nonabelian Hodge correspondence BunG Chern-Simons Galois representations HKR ergodic nonabelian Poincare duality Projects derived category Weil Conjectures vertex algebra Gelfand representation nonabelian derived functor Finset cogroup Three Things Exercise Higgs bundle Chow ring Elliptic cohomology Global field Hamiltonian Homological Stability Course Notes K-Theory Picard group algebraic group cobordism hypothesis cotangent complex deformation theory dualizable objects in a category factorization algebra factorization homology groupoid homotopy category homotopy type mapping cone modular form motivic homotopy p-adic Hodge theory prismatic cohomology ring spectra scheme stable homotopy triangulated categories formal spectrum algebraic curve class field theory Hasse-Weil L function Quantum Homology Theories tropical geometry arithmetic geometry E_n ring spectrum Geometrization higher category Prismatic Cohomology Notes Manifolds Definitions Mock AMS 2020 Pictures THH Notes - The cotangent complex and derived de Rham cohomology Whiteney embedding theorem Why study K theory basic tools in homotopy of spaces classical category theory uniformization Introduction to infinity categories When are spheres Lie groups AKLB setup Algebraic Variety Arpon Raksit - Hochschild homology and the derived de Rham complex revisited Arthur's conjecture Artin map Artin-Rees theorem Artin-Schreier Artinian category BGG resolution B_dr Blakers Massey theorem Bordism spectra Bott Periodicity Bredon cohomology CW approximation Cayley-Hamilon theorem for modules Chern-Ruan theory Clifford algebra Course Dedekind domain Deformation space Dirac equation Dirichlet's theorem Dirichlet's unit theorem Einstein equations Eisenstein polynomial Eisenstein series Euler exact sequence Examples Fermat quartic For curves Fundamental SESs in commutative algebra Galois correspondence Galois theory Gauss' lemma General relativity Giroux correspondence Grassmannian Haar measure Hard Lefschetz Hasse bounds Hilbert Basis Theorem Hilbert class field Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch Hodge star Hodge-Tate theory Holonomy Classification Homological Algebra Talk Homotopy of schemes Hurewicz Hurwitz theorem Ideles Ind construction J-homomorphism K3 surface Kahler problem Kervaire invariant one Kodaira-Spencer Kronecker symbol Krull's intersection theorem Krull's theorem Learning Goals 2021 Learning Resources: Algebraic Topology Learning Resources: Number Theory Learning Resources: Symplectic Topology/Geometry Liouville vector field Mazur Program B Minkowski bound Mordell-Weil rank Morse lemma Motivation Nakayama's lemma Nishida's Theorem Nisnevich topology Noether Normalization Number theory PBW basis Paper Reading List Pell equation Plucker embedding Poincare bundle Poincare series Poisson summation Project Ideas Quick Notes Quillen K Theory Quillen equivalence Reading Group_Fargues Fontaine Curve Regulator of a number field Representing cohomology Ricci flow Ricci-flat Riemann zeta function Sard-Smale Schwartz space Segal spaces Serre's conjecture on vector bundles Shimura-Taniyama-Weil Siegel modular forms Spanier-Whitehead duality Stable Homotopy Seminar Stephen Hawking Stone-Cech compactification Subjects Superstring theory Talbot Talk 1 Talbot Talk 2 Talks Test Home The Adams Spectral Sequence The Going Down Theorem Thom form Topics Topics Vandiver's conjecture Videos Weak approximation Yang-Mills Zariski Descent Zariski's lemma Zariski's theorem alpha invariant belong cellular approximation cellular map clutching function coarse moduli space cocompact cofinal functor cohomological criterion for ampleness cohomological field theory coinvariants colimit condensed set cone category connectivitty conormal exact sequence coproduct covariant derivative covolume crystalline Frobenius crystalline conjecture curvature form de Rham conjecture de Rham isomorphism de Rham moduli deformation deformation to the normal cone derivation derived ring diagonal morphism different discrete log problem distributions effective descent elliptic complex elliptic curve over a scheme endomorpism algebras equivariant faithful functor formally etale formally unramified fourier transform frame bundle framed bordism geodesics gimbal lock going up theorem group algebra handle decomposition herbrand quotient holonomy group homogeneous space homology sphere homotopy sum hyper-descent hypercohomology hypercovering ideal correspondence for localizations infinity groupoids invariant theory invertible object of a category irreducible divisor koszul duality l-adic representations lax left invariant vector field linearly equivalent divisors lying over theorem math_quotes maximal unramified extension metric tensor mirror quintic mixed motives monoid monoid object monomorphism nilpotent completion norm group normal field extension obstruction-deformation theory orientable p-adic zeta function parallelizable spheres perfect ring potentially semistable conjecture pregeometry primary prime avoidance lemma prime ideal profinite integers projective object properties of morphisms pseudofunctor pseudoholomorphic curve pure motive q series quasicategory reciprocity conjecture reflexive pair roots of unity scalar curvature semilinear action semilocal ring semisimple algebra semistable degeneration separable extension separably generated sheaf signature simple objects of a category simplicial category smooth structures solid mathematics spacetime sphere and disc objects in chain complexes spherical manifold sporadic point structure group structure sheaf surface bundle symbol symmetric space symmetric spectra torsion of a connection trace (monoidal categories) trace pairing twisted cubic unit group unitary trick unramified morphism weak homotopy equivalence Note: To override the auto-generated content here, create a file named: