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- Luna etale slice theorem
- Unsorted/profinite integers
- etale morphism
- etale fundamental group
- etale descent
- examples of computations of etale cohomology
New developments: Berkovich integral etale cohomology and rigid analytic motivic cohomology.
In algebra
Note that being etale or unramified is local on the base and local on the target.
Explicit examples
- Any open immersion is etale.
- A morphism \(X\to \operatorname{Spec}k\) is etale iff \(X\cong {\textstyle\coprod}\operatorname{Spec}K_i\) where each \(K_i/k\) is a finite separable field extension.
- Any finite separable field extension \(k \hookrightarrow K\) induces an etale cover \(\operatorname{Spec}K\to \operatorname{Spec}k\).
- The localization cover \(\operatorname{Spec}R \left[ { \scriptstyle { {S}^{-1}} } \right] \to \operatorname{Spec}R\) is etale.
\(\operatorname{Spec}\\CC[t] \to \operatorname{Spec}{\mathbf{R}}[t]\) is etale:
Relation to Galois covers
Etale Morphisms
The idea: like local diffeomorphisms of manifolds, so inducing isomorphisms on tangent spaces at every point: \begin{align*} f:X\to Y \text{ etale} \leadsto df: {\mathbf{T}}_x X { \, \xrightarrow{\sim}\, }{\mathbf{T}}_{f(x)} Y\quad \forall x\in X \end{align*} Thus some version of the implicit function theorem holds in the analytic setting. The analog of a covering space is a finite etale morphism.
Standard etale morphisms and structure theorem
Etale cover
An etale cover is a family of morphisms \(\left\{{U_i \to X}\right\}\) which are etale and locally of finite type such that \(X \subseteq \bigcup U_i\).
Etale algebra
Idea: a finite direct product of separable field extensions.
Every etale algebra is a semisimple algebra.
Characterization of when an etale algebra is monogenic:
Etale cohomology
# Etale homotopy
Relation to Galois cohomology