faithfully flat

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faithfully flat

Classical flatness

Idea: modules are generalized bundles, and flatness is local triviality. Generally flats are colimits of free modules.

Flat modules


Flat Morphisms


Faithful flatness

Faithfully flat modules

Idea: faithfully flat iff tensoring reflects exactness, i.e. \(\xi\) is an exact SES iff \(\xi\otimes M\) is a SES. Pasted image 20220114185822.png attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220123174337.pngattachments/Pasted%20image%2020220123174111.pngPasted image 20220115150943.png Ideas: - If \(F\) is an \(R{\hbox{-}}\)algebra with structure morphism \(f:R\to F\), then \(F\) is flat over \(R\) when \(\operatorname{Spec}F\to \operatorname{Spec}R\) is a submersion, i.e. the induced topology on \(\operatorname{Spec}R\) is a quotient topology. - Open covers are often faithfully flat (surjective) morphisms. - Can prove some statement about algebras/schemes are a faithfully flat base change.

Faithfully flat descent

  • A special case of faithfully flat descent: Zariski descent.

  • For $S\in \mathsf{Alg} {/ {R}} $ and $M\in {}{R}{\mathsf{Mod}} $, there is a base-change functor $\mathsf{Alg} _{/ {R}} \to \mathsf{Alg} _{/ {S}} $ where \(X\mapsto X\otimes_R S\) that preserves many properties: e.g. if \(M\in {}_{R}{\mathsf{Mod}} ^{\mathrm{fg}}\) then \(M\otimes_R S \in {}_{S}{\mathsf{Mod}} ^{\mathrm{fg}}\).

  • The reverse implication will hold if $S_{/ {R}} $ is faithfully flat. Pasted image 20220115181832.png

See Unsorted/descent.

One can reformulate faithfully flat descent as saying the pseudofunctor QCoh mapping \(U\) to quasicoherent sheaves on \(U\) is a fpqc stack over Aff \(S\). Consequence: the map taking \(U\) to the category of affine morphisms \(V \rightarrow U\) is a fpqc stack.

Flat Schemes

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Derived Flatness

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🗓️ Timeline
  • Prismatic cohomology

    The main aim of higher global class field theory is to determine the abelian fundamental group \(\pi_1^{{\operatorname{ab}}}(X)\) of a regular arithmetic scheme \(X\), i.e. of a connected regular scheme separated scheme scheme flat morphism and of finite type over \({\mathbf{Z}}\), in terms of an arithmetically defined class groups

  • 2021-06-06

    Definition: \(\operatorname{Hilb}_d({\mathbf{A}}^n)(T)\) are maps \(Z\hookrightarrow{\mathbf{A}}^n\times T\) over \(T\) which are finite flat morphism of degree \(d\) over \(T\).

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