- Tags
- Refs:
- HH
- transfers, norms, wrong-way maps
- equivariant K theory
- chromatic
- How to construct K theory
- The difference between algebraic and topological K theory
- The connection between K theory and projective modules
- Topological cyclic homology is related and more computable.
- Quillen K theory
- examples of K theory rings
- Talbot Talk 1
- K theory in AG
- devissage
- Milnor K theory
- transfers
- computational properties of K theory
- Waldhausen S construction
The Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjectures related to etale cohomology, Kummer-Vandiver conjecture, relations to THH and TC.
Algebraic K is analogous to \({\operatorname{KU}}\), complex topological K theory, or \({\operatorname{KO}}\), real topological K-theory.
- The Grothendieck-Witt group is analogous to \({\operatorname{KO}}\)?
See Infinite loop space machine.
Categorical K Theory
Defining \({\mathsf{K}}_0\) for ${}_{R}{\mathsf{Mod}} $: Pasted image 20211103190932.png
Where it shows up naturally in algebraic topology: the Wall finiteness obstruction. The finiteness obstruction \(w(X)\) is zero if and only if \(X\) has the homotopy type of a finite CW complex. Pasted image 20211103191051.png
\({\mathsf{K}}_1\) shows up in defining Whitehead torsion: Pasted image 20211103191524.png
Algebraic K Theory
- It’s like a homology theory on \(\mathsf{CRing}\).
- Pasted image 20211105131146.png
- Pasted image 20211105131542.png
Pasted image 20211108230838.png
See Borel regulator, Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjectures, Zeta function.
In toplogy
Pasted image 20211105131303.png Pasted image 20211105131409.png
Complex K Theory
For stacks
See stacks MOC:
- \(X(R) \coloneqq( {}_{R}{\mathsf{Mod}} ^{\mathrm{free}})^\cong { \, \xrightarrow{\sim}\, }{\textstyle\coprod}_n \mathbf{B}\mkern-3mu \operatorname{GL} _n(R)\)
Build a simplicial set:
Quillen’s construction
See syntomic cohomology: