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Tags: #projects/talbot-talk [@Zak17b] See 2022 Talbot MOC, Talbot Syllabus, and Talbot Talk Advice
Possibly relevant papers:
LitNote-Braunling et al.-2021-The standard realizations for the K-theory of varieties-BGN21 LitNote-Sarazola and Shapiro-2021-A Gillet-Waldhausen Theorem for chain complexes of sets-SS21 LitNote-Hoekzema et al.-2022-Cut and paste invariants of manifolds via algebraic K-theory-HMM+21
Talbot Talk
Misc Notes
Advice to remember:
- What is the overall narrative of the workshop, and how does this talk fit in?
- If theorems are needed from prev talks, coordinate with speaker.
- Foreshadow future talks.
- What theorems are needed for later talks?
- To every idea, attach: how it fits into the bigger picture, and a concrete example.
- Focus on key ideas for proof (which could reasonably be used to reconstruct the details).
- Attach examples and non-examples to definitions, try to motivate.
- Attach to theorems how they apply to examples.
Give an outline of the talk, try to give indicators of where in the outline we are at various points in the talk.
- Also works for more computational arguments.
- For proofs: what is the history? Are there general heuristics? Is there an easier “fake” proof with a reasonably way to recover the actual argument?
Previous Talks
- Theme: Part 2 on “Scissors Congruence as K Theory”
Talk 6: Assemblers.
- Definition of assembler.
- Definition of \({\mathsf{K}}\) for assemblers.
- The cofiber theorem.
- Total (and classical) scissors congruence
Talk 7: \({\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}})\).
- Definition of \({\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}})\)
- Motivic measures
- Discuss of scissors congruence of varieties
- Intro to the annihilator of \({\mathbb{L}}\)
- Motivic zeta functions
- Borisov’s result (Bor18?)
My talk: \(\operatorname{Ann}({\mathbb{L}})\).
- Larsen-Lunts’ question about scissors congruence of varieties
- Borisov’s construction of an element in \(\operatorname{Ann}({\mathbb{L}})\).
- Use higher \({\mathsf{K}}\) to show this always happens
Next talks
Part 2:
Talk 9: SW-categories
- Using Waldhausen categories to capture geometric decompositions
- \({\mathbb{E}}_\infty\) structure on \({\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}})\).
Talk 10: Derived motivic measures
- Use SW categories to construct algebraic motivic measures, e.g. local zeta functions
Talk 14: Squares \({\mathsf{K}}{\hbox{-}}\)theory
- Generalizes assemblers and “subtractive” \({\mathsf{K}}\)
- Used to define cut-and-paste groups and invariants of smooth compact manifolds
Talk 9: SW-categories
Part 3:
Talk 15: Cathelineau and \({\mathsf{K}}_M\).
- Goncharov’s conjecture
Talk 17: CZ21
- Analyze the Goncharov complex, relate it to \({\mathsf{K}}\) and homology of \(\operatorname{GL}_n\)?
Talk 15: Cathelineau and \({\mathsf{K}}_M\).
Part 2:
- [@Zak17a] shows a tight link between \({\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}})\) and birational geometry.
- Question: what arithmetic information does \({\mathsf{K}}_{\geq 1}({\mathcal{V}})\) encode?
- Larsen-Lunts 03 show that Kapranov’s motivic zeta function \(\sum_{i\geq 0} [\operatorname{Sym}^i(X)]t^i\) from \({\mathsf{K}}_0({\mathcal{V}}_{/ {k}} ) \to W({\mathsf{K}}_0({\mathcal{V}}_{/ {k}} ))\) is not a rational motivic zeta function. Key tool: $\mu_{\mathrm{LL}}: {\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}}{/ {{\mathbf{C}}}} ) \to {\mathbf{Z}} { \left[ \scriptstyle {\mathsf{SB}{/ {{\mathbf{C}}}} } \right] } $. Since \([{\mathbf{P}}^1]_{\mathsf{SB}} = [{\operatorname{pt}}]_{\mathsf{SB}}\), we have \(\mu_{\mathrm{LL}}({\mathbf{A}}^1) = 0\). So inverting or localizing at \({\mathbf{A}}^1\) may yield an appropriate modification where it is rational. - Zak17a lifts \(\mu_{\mathrm{LL}}\) to a map of \({\mathsf{K}}\) spectra, but it would be desirable to have a direct construction of an SW-category that encodes stable birational equivalence of varieties.
We can still localize at zero divisors, it’s just that the map \(R \to R{ \left[ { \scriptstyle \frac{1}{{\mathbb{L}}} } \right] }\) where \(x\mapsto {x\over 1}\) may not be injective. It can even happen that the images of zero divisors are no longer zero divisors!
## Talk Outline V1
- What is the ring structure on \({\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}})\)?
- Why are piecewise isomorphisms of varieties interesting/useful?
- When do birational automorphisms lift to piecewise isomorphisms?
- What properties does \({\mathbb{L}}\) have?
Conceptual review of items from previous talks:
- ?
Main theorems:
- \({\mathcal{V}}\) is a filtered category, inducing \({\operatorname{Fil}}\, {\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}})\) with \begin{align*}\operatorname{gr}_n {\mathsf{K}}({\mathcal{V}}) = \bigvee_{[X] \in B_n} \Sigma^\infty_+ {\mathbf{B}}\mathop{\mathrm{Aut}}_k \, k(X)\end{align*}
- \(\psi_n\) has a nonzero kernel for some \(n\) iff there exists nonzero differentials between columns 0 and 1 of a spectral sequence.
- For convenient fields, if \({\mathbb{L}}\) is a zero divisor in \({\mathsf{K}}_0({\mathcal{V}})\) then \(\psi_n\) is not injective for some \(n\).
- For convenient fields, if \(\chi \in \ker(\times {\mathbb{L}})\) then \(\chi = [X] - [Y]\) where \([X\times {\mathbf{A}}^1] = [Y\times {\mathbf{A}}^1]\) but \(X\times {\mathbf{A}}^1, Y\times {\mathbf{A}}^1\) are not piecewise isomorphic.
- There is an isomorphism of groups ${\mathsf{K}}_0({\mathcal{V}})/{\mathbb{L}}\to {\mathbf{Z}} { \left[ \scriptstyle {\mathsf{SB}} \right] } $ where \(\mathsf{SB}\) are iso classes of varieties up to stable birational isomorphism.
Things coming up in later talks:
- ?