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- Refs:
- Seiberg-Witten theory
- Pin group
- The questions on existence and classification of spin structures may be completely answered in terms of the Stiefel-Whitney classes.
- Spinnable (admits spin structure) implies admitting a \(\mathrm{Spin}^{{ \scriptscriptstyle \mathbf C} }\) structure, but not conversely
Every closed oriented 4-manifold admits a \(\mathrm{Spin}^{{ \scriptscriptstyle \mathbf C} }\) structure
- There are closed non-oriented manifolds that are not spinnable
- Every closed oriented is spinnable.
- Explanation of string structure by vanishing of characteristic classes, using the Whitehead tower. Essentially it all depends on \(\pi_* {\operatorname{O}}_n\):
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