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- stacks MOC
- Unsorted/stacks MOC
- moduli space
- representable
- elliptic curve
- moduli stack of abelian varieties
- derived moduli stack
- Chow ring
- level structure
- cohomological field theory
- Gromov-Witten
moduli stack of elliptic curves
Moduli of curves
The moduli space \({\mathcal{M}}_g\) is not representable in \({\mathsf{Sch}}\): if it were, then every isotrivial family of curves would be equivalent to a trivial family. Counterexample to this: take the family \begin{align*} X_t: \quad y^{2}=x^{3}+t, t \neq 0 \end{align*} All fibers are abstractly isomorphic by computing the monodromy action \(\pi_1({\mathbf{C}}^{\times}; 1)\curvearrowright H^1(X_1, {\mathbf{C}})\)
It does admit a coarse moduli space.
Teichmüller space is a cover of \(M_g\)?
G structures
## Stable Curves
Stable Reduction
Homology and Smoothness
# Coarse vs fine
Elliptic curves
Stable curves and compactification
Contraction morphism
Gluing morphism
Non-representability: nontrivial families
Deformations and the tangent space