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Refs: #resources
- RH over finite fields:
- AG book which includes the Hasse-Weil inequality:
- RH for curves and hypersurfaces over finite fields:
Computing Zeta functions:
- Computing Zeta Functions.pdf
- Computing Zeta over FF.pdf
- Weil’s paper:
Gauss and Jacobi sums:
- Gauss Jacobi Sums.pdf
General notes:
- weil.pdf
Hypersurfaces and the Weil conjectures:
- weil-preprint1.pdf
The zeta book:
- zeta_book.pdf
- Lecture notes with cohomological proofs
- 2019 Lecture notes on the conjectures: #resources/course-notes
- Weil cohomology
- purity theorem
- Frobenius morphism
- applications of Weil conjectures
- l-adic cohomology
- Grothendieck-Lefschetz Trace Formula
Applications and consequences:
- Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture
- Generalized estimates for Kloosterman sums.
Weil Conjectures
For general projective curves of genus \(g\), need to use the Tate module of the Jacobian. Result:
Statement of Weil Conjectures
Point counts using traces
Rationality criteria
See also showing an analytic function is rational
See determinant of an operator
Induction by hyperplane slicing
Character sums
## Deligne
Reductions and weak Lefschetz:
Reduction to an inequality:
Hyperplane slicing step
Deligne’s proof
History of proofs
F. K. Schmidt proved these statements for curves, except for the Riemann hypothesis part, which was proved by Hasse for elliptic curves and Weil for arbitrary curves.
Weil proved these statements also for abelian varieties.
Dwork used p-adic analysis proves part (i) for varieties of arbitrary dimension, without finding a cohomology theory.
Grothendieck partially using Grothendieck-Lefschetz Trace Formula:
\begin{align*} {\sharp}X\left(\mathbb{F}_{q}\right)=\sum_{i=0}^{2 d}(-1)^{i} \operatorname{Tr}\left(\left.F^{*}\right|_{H_{\mathrm{et}}^{i}\left(\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muX\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu, \mathbb{Q}_{\ell}\right)}\right) \end{align*}
RH proved by Deligne.
Led to development of etale cohomology by Grothendieck and M. Artin
Proof of Rationality
Refined proof of rationality
There are two obvious conjectures, and one is significantly stronger than the other. We could ask whether \(\zeta\left(X_{0}, t\right)\) has rational coefficients, or more generally whether each individual \(P_{i}(t)\) has rational coefficients and is independent of the choice of \(l\). We are now in a position where proof of the former is relatively straightforward, and the latter statement can be reduced to a statement about absolute values of eigenvalues.
Proof of Duality
Proof of RH
Remarks about RH
For curves
Zeta functions
Recovers Dedekind zeta function:
See reduced schemes of finite type, closed point, degree of a closed point. Frobenius morphism.
motivic behavior of zeta functions:
Example computations
Recovering number of points from rational expression