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Reading notes - Singular Points on Complex Hypersurfaces
Idea: exotic spheres are higher dimensional knot theory
Singular points on a complex curve can be associated to knots in \(S^3\)
\(f: {\mathbf{C}}^{n+1} \to {\mathbf{C}}\), consider the hypersurface \(V(f) \subseteq {\mathbf{C}}^{n+1}\). Fix \(\mathbf{z}_0 \in {\mathbf{C}}^{n+1}\), intersect with a sphere to obtain \(K = V(f) \cap S^{n+1}_{\varepsilon}\).
\(\mathbf{z}_0\) regular implies \(V\) is a smooth manifold of dimension \(2n\), \(K\) is a smooth \(2n-1\) manifold with \(K { \, \xrightarrow{\sim}\, }_{{\operatorname{Diffeo}}} S^{2n-1}\) and \(K\hookrightarrow S^{2n-1}_{\varepsilon}\) is unknotted.
Result of Brauner: for \(f(z_1, z_2) = z_1^p + z_2^q\) and \(V = V(p, q) = f^{-1}(0)\), \(K = T(p, q)\) is a torus knot in \(S^3\). To form: take \(p\) braids and \(q\) boxes. Every strand descends one level, except the bottom which goes under all others to the top:
Note \(0\) is isolated since \(\operatorname{grad}f = {\left[ {pz_1^{p-1}, qz_2^{q-1}} \right]} = 0 \iff {\left[ {z_1,z_2} \right]} = {\left[ {0, 0} \right]}\).
More generally set \(V(n_1, \cdots, n_k) = \sum_{i\leq k} z_i^{n_i}\). Take \(V(3, 2, 2,\cdots, 2) \subseteq {\mathbf{C}}^{n+1}\), then \(K \hookrightarrow S^{2n-1}_{\varepsilon}\) is knotted – these are Brieskorn spheres.
For \(n\) odd, \(K \cong S^{2n-1}\), while for \(n\) odd (eg \(n=5\)) this provvably produces an exotic sphere.
Main theorems:
Improvement when \(z_0\) is an isolated critical point:
Note that \(H_*(\bigvee_i S^n) \cong \oplus_i H_*(S^n)\) by Mayer-Vietoris. Here the fibers are \(2n{\hbox{-}}\)dimensional manifolds but have homotopy types of \(\bigvee_{1\leq i\leq m} S^n\) which has Poincare polynomial \(1 + mx^n + 0x^{2n}\), so thhe middle Betti number is in dimension \(2n/2 = n\) and records that number of spheres.
The common boundary of the \(F_\theta\) is \(K\)
Algebraic variety: a subset $X \subseteq {\mathbf{A}}^n_{/ {k}} $ of the form \(V(f_1,\cdots, f_n)\). Ideal of defining functions: \(I(V) {~\trianglelefteq~}k[x_1, \cdots, x_{n}]\).
For \(X\) algebraic, by Hilbert’s basis theorem \(X\) is cut out by finitely many polynomials. Pick some, \(F \coloneqq{\left[ {f_1, \cdots f_n} \right]}\), and form the Jacobian \begin{align*}\mathbf{J}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} \frac{\partial \mathbf{f}}{\partial x_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial \mathbf{f}}{\partial x_{n}} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \nabla^{\mathrm{T}} f_{1} \\ \vdots \\ \nabla^{\mathrm{T}} f_{m} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} \frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial x_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial x_{n}} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \frac{\partial f_{m}}{\partial x_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial f_{m}}{\partial x_{n}} \end{array}\right]\end{align*}
Jacobian criterion: \(X\) is singular if \(J\) drops below its maximal rank \(\rho\) anywhere.
The singular locus \({\operatorname{Sing}}(X) \subseteq X\) is an algebraic subvariety cut out by the collection of all \(\rho\times \rho\) minors of \(J\) vanishing.
Link of a singularity:
Critical point terminology:
Singular set:
Complex gradient:
Alexander duality:
Brieskorn spheres: ?
Results (Section 2)
- Theorem (Whitney): over \(k= {\mathbf{C}}\), \(X\setminus{\operatorname{Sing}}(X)\) is a smooth complex-analytic manfiold of codimension \(\rho\)
- This has a long proof! (2-3 pages)
Curve selection lemma:
Results (Section 3)
- Proof
Proof of curve selection lemma
Shrink \(V_1\) is necessary to…
- Assume \(V\) irreducible
- Assume \(U \cap{\operatorname{Sing}}(X)\) is empty in a small enough neighborhood \(D_\eta\) of zero
- Proof
- Proof:
- Proof: proved for real 1-dimensional varieties.
Assembling these into the full proof:
Results (Section 4)
Part of proof:
Part of proof:
Random notes
Holomorphic Morse theory:
When a \({\mathbf{Z}}\operatorname{HS}^n\) is a topological sphere: