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There exist (simply connected) closed oriented 4-manifolds which are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220422095025.png

Review Terms

#projects/review #projects/notes/reading #todo/questions

  • What is the tautological bundle?
  • What is Serre duality?
  • What is Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch?
  • How is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) defined?
  • What is a Kahler manifold?
  • What is \(A^{p, q}\)?
  • How is Dolbeaut cohomology defined?
  • What is Noether’s formula?
  • What is the symbol of an operator?
  • What is an elliptic complex?
  • What is the Aatiyah-Singer Index Theorem?
  • What is the Chern class?
  • What is the Chern character?
  • What are Chern roots?
  • What is the Todd class?
  • What is the Euler class?
  • What is the Laplacian?
  • What is a Hermitian metric?
  • What is the Hodge star?
  • What is the genus formula?
  • What is the blowup
    • What is the exceptional divisor?
    • What is the strict transform?
    • What is the blowdown
  • What is a unimodular lattice?
  • What is the Steifel-Whitney class?
  • What is the Pontrayagin class?
  • What is a Kahler?
  • What is a spin?
  • What is the Clifford algebra?
  • What is the Dirac equation

Useful techniques: fiber sum and rational blowdown

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#geomtop #resources/videos #resources/course-notes #projects/review #projects/notes/reading #todo/questions