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Reductive groups

Let \(G\) be an affine algebraic group and \(H\leq G\) a subgroup.


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  • A subgroup \(H\leq G\) is irreducible iff \(H\) is not contained in any proper parabolic.
    • Idea: for \(\rho: G\to \operatorname{GL}(V)\) a classical representation, \(V\) is irreducible iff the only \(G{\hbox{-}}\)invariant subspaces of \(V\) are \(0\) and \(V\) itself.
  • \(H\) is completely reducible iff for every \(P\) with \(H \subseteq P\leq G\), there is a Levi subgroup \(L \leq P\) with \(L\supseteq H\).
    • Idea: semisimple. A representation \(\rho:G\to \operatorname{GL}(V)\) is completely reducible iff \(V\) decomposes as a direct sum of irreducibles (\(G{\hbox{-}}\)invariant subspaces).
    • Note that irreducible implies completely reducible.
  • A representation \(\rho: X\to G\) is irreducible (resp. completely reducible) if its image \(\rho(X) \leq G\) is reducible (resp. completely reducible).
  • Let \({ \operatorname{Ad} }: G\to \operatorname{GL}({\mathfrak{g}})\) be the adjoint representation, then a representation \(\rho\) is \({ \operatorname{Ad} }{\hbox{-}}\)irreducible iff the composed representation \({ \operatorname{Ad} }\circ \rho: G\to \operatorname{GL}({\mathfrak{g}})\) is irreducible.

Borels and Parabolics

  • A subgroup \(B \leq G\) is called a Borel subgroup if it is maximal (w.r.t. inclusion) of all connected solvable subgroups of \(G\).
    • All Borels are conjugate.
    • One could define \(P\leq G\) to be parabolic iff \(G/P\) is a projective variety.
    • For \(G=\operatorname{GL}_n\), parabolics are stabilizers of partial flags
  • A subgroup \(P\leq G\) is parabolic iff \(P\) contains a Borel subgroup, iff the homogeneous space \(G/P\) is a complete variety.
    • So a Borel is a minimal parabolic, and \(G/B\) is the maximal quotient that is a complete variety.
    • Every parabolic is conjugate to a standard parabolic.


  • A Levi subgroup is the centralizer of a subtorus.
    • For \(G = \operatorname{GL}_n\), Levis are stabilizers of ordered direct sum decompositions \(k^n = \bigoplus_i V_i\).
    • Levis are connected and reductive
    • For every Levi \(L\) there is a parabolic \(P\) such that \(P = L \rtimes R_u(P)\).
  • Standard parabolics and Levis: attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220421103709.png
    • For \(P = P_J\) a standard parabolic, \(G/P\) is a smooth projective variety.

Reductive groups

  • A matrix \(M\in {\mathfrak{gl}}_n(k)\) is unipotent iff \(\operatorname{Spec}_\lambda(M) = \left\{{1}\right\}\), ie all eigenvalues are 1.
  • \(M\) is quasi-unipotent iff \(M^n\) is unipotent for some \(n\), iff \(\operatorname{Spec}_\lambda(M) \in \mu_\infty(k)\), i.e. all eigenvalues are roots of unity.
  • The identity component of the intersection of all Borel subgroups is the radical of \(G\), denoted \begin{align*}RG \coloneqq\qty{\bigcap_{B\leq G \text{ Borel}} B}^0\end{align*}
  • The subgroup \(RG^u \leq RG\) of unitpotent elements is the unipotent radical of \(G\).
  • If \(RG = 1\) then \(G\) is reductive.



For Chevalley groups

Standard Borels

Levi decomposition

Opposite parabolics

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