good reduction

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good reduction


  • In terms of equations: for $E_{/ {{\mathbf{Q}}}} $ an elliptic curve \(y^2=x^3+ax + b\) of discriminants \(\Delta(E) = -16(4a^3+27b^2)\), \(E\) has good reduction at \(p\) for any prime \(p\nmid \Delta(E)\).
  • A variety $X\in{\mathsf{Var}}_{/ {k}} $ has good reduction if there exists a smooth proper \({\mathcal{O}}_k\) scheme \({\mathcal{X}}\) whose generic fiber \({\mathcal{X}}_k\) is \(k{\hbox{-}}\)isomorphic to \(X\).
    • Assume \(k\) is a characteristic zero field with a complete discrete valuation and $X_{/ {k}} $ is smooth and proper.
  • Alternatively: if \(k\in \mathsf{Field}\) is complete wrt a diiscrete valuation \(v: k^{\times}\to {\mathbf{Z}}\), let $X\in\mathsf{smProj}{\mathsf{Var}}{/ {k}} $ with \(\dim X = d\). Then \(X\) has good reduction if there exists a smooth model of \(X\) over the valuation ring \({\mathcal{O}}\subseteq k\), i.e. there exists homogeneous polynomials cutting out a \(k{\hbox{-}}\)variety in some ${\mathbf{P}}^N{/ {k}} $ which is isomorphic to \(X\) whose coefficients are in the valuation ring of \(v\) where reducing all of them modulo the maximal ideal \({\mathfrak{m}}\) gives equations defining a smooth variety of dimension \(d\) over the residue field \(\kappa\). - If \(k\) is not complete (e.g. a number field), say \(X\) has good reduction at \(v\) if $X_{k_v}\in{\mathsf{Var}}_{/ {k_v}} $ has good reduction. - Nice varieties: smooth, projective, geometrically integral or geometrically irreducible.


Special cases: curves and abelian varieties

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  • Consequence: if $E_{/ {{ {\mathbf{Q}}p }}} $ has good reduction, there is a unique elliptic scheme ${\mathcal{E}}{/ {{ {\mathbf{Z}}_{\widehat{p}} }}} $ with \({\mathcal{E}}_{{ {\mathbf{Q}}_p }} = E\) and a structure map \({\mathcal{E}}\to \operatorname{Spec}{ {\mathbf{Z}}_{\widehat{p}} }\).

  • Neron-Ogg-Shaferevich: for an elliptic curve, \(X\) has good reduction iff the \(G_k\) representation on \(H_\text{ét}^1(X; { {\mathbf{Z}}_{\widehat{\ell}} })\) is an unramified Galois representation, i.e the action of inertia \(I_k\) is trivial.


Crystalline representations

For elliptic curves, a first incarnation of p-adic Hodge theory:


🗓️ Timeline
  • 2021-05-05

    If \(r\) is the rank and \(g\) is the genus for \(X\) a nice curve over \({\mathbf{Q}}\) with good reduction at \(p\),

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