Tags: #todo #todo/stub Refs: ?
norm and trace
- ![[attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220123210227.png)![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220123210432.png]]
Tags: #todo #todo/stub Refs: ?
A Tambara functor is a Green functor with that data of a norm map \(\nm_K^H\), a multiplicative morphism.
The ramification is tame when the ramification indices \(e_{i}\) are all relatively prime to the residue characteristic \(p\) of \(p\), otherwise wild. A finite generically etale extension \(B / A\) of Dedekind domains is tame if and only if the trace \(\operatorname{Tr}: B \rightarrow A\) is surjective. # Results