Tags: #resources/advice #undergraduate
General Notes
Say what you’re assuming at the start of the proof.
- If flipping logic and not using a direct proof (contradiction, contrapositive, etc), then signpost/announce it near the beginning of the proof.
Examples: for \(P\implies Q\),
Direct proof: “Suppose \(P \cdots\)”
Contradiction: “Suppose toward a contradiction \(P\) but not \(Q\cdots\)”
(Usually show \(\lnot P\). If you show \(Q\), a direct proof might be simpler.)
Contrapositive: “Suppose by contrapositive that \(\lnot Q\) holds, \(\cdots\)”
Put any important equations (i.e. major steps of the proof) on their own lines or in displaymath environments.
Use some whitespace to separate parts of the proof and increase readability.
Remember that limits of sequences need not exist, but liminfs/limsups always do
(just may be \(\pm \infty\)).
Try to avoid abbreviating the names of major theorems (example: “AP” can stand for many results, not just the Archimedean property!)
It’s not generally true that \(a\leq M \implies {\left\lvert {a} \right\rvert} \leq M\), e.g. take \(a=-1 \leq M = 0\). This only holds for \(a\geq 0\).
A generic set may not contain its inf or sup. Example: \(\inf \left\{{1\over n}\right\} = 0\) and \(0\not\in \left\{{1\over n}\right\}\), or \(\sup \left\{{1-{1\over n}}\right\} = 1\) with \(1\not \in \left\{{1-{1\over n}}\right\}\).
If there exists some element of a set or sequence with a given property, try to say where it comes from and why the property holds for it.
Similarly, if a property holds for all elements of a set or sequence, try to say why.
The crux of many proofs are certain inequalities, so try to justify every inequality that appears.
If you use a theorem, be sure to mention it by its full name.
Useful counterexamples:
- \(x_n = (-1)^n\)
- Literal lists of numbers: \([0, 1, 0, 2, \cdots]\).
- Suppose \(\left\{{a_n}\right\}\) is not bounded above.
- Then any \(k\in {\mathbb{N}}\) is not an upper bound for \(\left\{{a_n}\right\}\).
- So choose a subsequence \(a_{n_k} > k\), then by order-limit laws, \begin{align*} a_{n_k} > k \implies \liminf_{k\to\infty} a_{n_k} > \liminf_{k\to\infty} k = \infty .\end{align*}
Suppose \(\left\{{a_n}\right\}\) is bounded by \(M\), so \(a_n < M < \infty\) for all \(n\in {\mathbb{N}}\).
Then if \(\left\{{a_{n_k}}\right\}\) is a subsequence, we have \(a_{n_k} \in \left\{{a_n}\right\}\), so \(a_{n_k} < M\) for all \(k\in {\mathbb{N}}\).
But then \begin{align*} a_{n_k} < M \implies \limsup_{k\to\infty} a_{n_k} \leq M ,\end{align*}
Now note that if \(\lim_{k\to\infty} a_{n_k}\) exists, \begin{align*} \lim_{k\to\infty} a_{n_k} < \limsup_{k\to\infty} a_{n_k} \leq M < \infty ,\end{align*} so every subsequence is bounded and thus can not converge to \(\infty\).
Suppose \(x_n \leq M\) for all \(n\), we will show that every subsequential limit is also bounded by \(M\).
Let \begin{align*}S \coloneqq\left\{{x\in {\mathbf{R}}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}x \text{ is a subsequential limit of } \left\{{x_n}\right\}}\right\}\end{align*} be the set of subsequential limits.
- Note that \(\inf S \coloneqq\liminf_{n\to\infty} x_n\) by definition (i).
Let \(\left\{{x_{n_k}}\right\}\in S\) be an arbitrary convergent subsequence (since we are only concerned about subsequences with well-defined limits).
Then for every \(k\) we have \(x_{n_k} \in \left\{{x_n}\right\}\), so \begin{align*} {\left\lvert {x_{n_k}} \right\rvert} \leq M .\end{align*}
By order limit laws, \begin{align*} {\left\lvert {x_{n_k}} \right\rvert} \leq M \implies \lim_{k\to\infty} {\left\lvert {x_{n_k}} \right\rvert} \leq M ,\end{align*}
Since the map \(x\mapsto {\left\lvert {x} \right\rvert}\) is continuous, using the sequential definition of continuity we can pass the limit through the absolute value to obtain \begin{align*} {\left\lvert { \lim_{k\to\infty} x_{n_k}} \right\rvert} \leq M .\end{align*}
Since the subsequence was arbitrary, we find that \(M\) is an upper bound for \(S\) and so \(\sup S \leq M\).
But \begin{align*} \inf S \leq \sup S \leq M \implies \inf S \leq M .\end{align*}
Suppose \({\left\lvert {x_n} \right\rvert} \leq M\) for every \(n\), we will directly show that \({\left\lvert {\lim_{n\to\infty}\inf_{k\geq n} x_n} \right\rvert} \leq M\).\
By order-limit laws, for every fixed \(n\) we have \begin{align*} {\left\lvert {x_{n}} \right\rvert} \leq M \iff -M \leq x_{n} \leq M \implies -M \leq \inf_{k>n} {x_{k}} \leq M ,\end{align*} where we’ve used the fact that \(x_n \geq -M\) for all \(n\) implies that \(\inf_{k\geq n} x_k \geq -M\).
Again applying order-limit laws, \begin{align*} -M \leq \inf_{k\geq n} {x_{k}} \leq M \implies -M \leq \lim_{n\to\infty} \inf_{k\geq n} {x_{k}} \leq M \iff {\left\lvert {\lim_{n\to\infty} \inf_{k\geq n} x_{n_k} } \right\rvert} \leq M .\end{align*}
Note that here we define \(S\) to be the set of all subsequential limits of \(\left\{{x_n}\right\}\) and \begin{align*}\liminf_n x_n \coloneqq\inf S.\end{align*}
Suppose toward a contradiction that \(\beta < \liminf_{n} x_n\) but there does not exist any \(N\) such that \(n\geq N \implies x_n > \beta\).
Then for all \(N\) there exists an \(n> N\) with \(x_n \leq \beta\), so the set \begin{align*}B \coloneqq\left\{{n \in {\mathbb{N}}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}x_n \leq \beta}\right\}\end{align*} is countably infinite.
Then by Bolzano-Weierstrass, since \(B\) is bounded it contains a convergent subsequence \(x_{n_k}\) which satisfies \begin{align*} x_{n_k} \leq \beta \quad \forall k \implies L\coloneqq\lim_{k\to\infty} x_{n_k} \leq \beta \end{align*} where we’ve used order-limit laws.
We now have \(L\in S\), a subsequential limit satisfying \(L\leq \beta\) and since \(\inf S\) is a lower bound for \(S\), \begin{align*} \inf S \leq L \leq \beta .\end{align*} which contradicts \(\beta < \liminf_n x_n\).
Note that here we define \begin{align*} \liminf_n x_n \coloneqq\lim_{n\to\infty} S_n {\quad \operatorname{where } \quad} S_n \coloneqq\inf \left\{{x_k {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}k\geq n}\right\} .\end{align*}
Write \(L\coloneqq\lim_{n\to\infty} S_n\) and suppose \(\beta < L\).
Then we have \begin{align*} \forall{\varepsilon}>0,\, \exists N{\quad \operatorname{such that} \quad} n\neq N \implies {\left\lvert {S_n - L} \right\rvert} < {\varepsilon} .\end{align*}
Since \(\beta < L \iff L-\beta > 0\), we can set \({\varepsilon}\coloneqq L-\beta\) to produce an \(N\) such that \begin{align*} n\geq N \implies {\left\lvert {L-S_n} \right\rvert} < L-\beta \iff \beta - L < S_n - L < L-\beta .\end{align*}
Just taking the first part of this composite inequality we have \begin{align*} n\geq N \implies \beta - L < S_n - L \iff \beta < S_n \coloneqq\inf_{k\geq n} x_k \leq x_n ,\end{align*} supplying the \(N\) for which \(n\geq N \implies \beta < x_n\) as desired.
Suppose toward a contradiction that \(\beta < \liminf_n x_n\) but there is no \(N\) such that \(n\geq N \implies x_n> \beta\).
Then for all \(N\) there exists an \(n\) with \(x_n \leq \beta\), so if we form the set \begin{align*} B_n \coloneqq\left\{{k\in {\mathbb{N}}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}k\geq n \text{ and } x_k \leq \beta}\right\} ,\end{align*} then \(B_n\) is countably infinite for every \(n\)
But then \(B_n\subseteq \left\{{k\in {\mathbb{N}}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}k\geq n}\right\}\) for every \(n\) implies that \begin{align*} \inf_{k\geq n} x_k \leq \inf_{k\in B_n} x_k \leq \beta \qquad \forall n ,\end{align*} since an infimum over a larger set can only get smaller.
Applying order-limit laws, we then have \begin{align*} \inf_{k\geq n} \leq \beta \,\,\forall n \implies \lim_{n\to \infty}\inf_{k\geq n} x_n \leq \beta ,\end{align*} but this contradicts \(\liminf_{n} x_n > \beta\).
- Suppose \(\left\{{x_n}\right\}\) is bounded and \(\limsup {\left\lvert {x_n} \right\rvert} = 0\).
- Then using the supremum definition, \(\lim_{n\to\infty} \sup_{k\geq n} {\left\lvert {x_k} \right\rvert} = 0\).
- Note that \begin{align*} \lim_{n\to\infty} x_n = 0 \iff \forall {\varepsilon}\quad \exists N \text{ such that } n\geq N \implies {\left\lvert {x_n} \right\rvert} < {\varepsilon} .\end{align*}
- So let \({\varepsilon}>0\) be arbitrary.
- By the definition of the limit appearing in the \(\limsup\), there exists an \(N_0\) such that \begin{align*}n\geq N_0 \implies \sup_{k\geq n} {\left\lvert {x_k} \right\rvert} < {\varepsilon}.\end{align*}
- But then taking \(N = N_0\) in the first equation yields the result, since \begin{align*} n\geq N_0 \implies {\left\lvert {x_n} \right\rvert} \leq \sup_{k\geq n} {\left\lvert {x_k} \right\rvert} < {\varepsilon} .\end{align*}
- Note that \(-1 \leq \sin(x) \leq 1\) and \(\sin(x) = \pm 1 \iff x = 2k\pi \pm {\pi \over 2}\).
- Since \(\pi\) is irrational, \(\sin(n)\) will never be of this form, so \(-1 < \sin(n) < 1\).
- Taking floors, we have \(-1 \leq {\left\lfloor \sin(n) \right\rfloor} \leq 0\), which in fact means that \(\sin(n) \in \left\{{-1, 0}\right\}\) can only take on one of two values.
- The set of subsequential limits is then just \(\left\{{-1, 0}\right\}\).
Claim: \(\limsup {\left\lfloor \sin(n) \right\rfloor} = 0\).
- It suffices to show that \({\left\lfloor \sin(n) \right\rfloor} = 0\) infinitely often
- But note that there is an integer in any interval of the form \([2k\pi, 2k\pi + \pi]\) for \(k\in {\mathbb{N}}\), since it is of length \(\pi > 1\).
- In these intervals, \(0 < \sin(n) < 1\), and so \({\left\lfloor \sin(n) \right\rfloor} = 0\), and there infinitely many such intervals.
- So form a subsequence \(x_{n_k} = {\left\lfloor \sin(n_k) \right\rfloor}\) by choosing \(n_k\) to be any integer in
Claim: \(\liminf {\left\lfloor \sin(n) \right\rfloor} = -1\).
- By the exact same argument applied to intervals of the form \([3k\pi,3k\pi + \pi]\) where \(-1 < \sin(n) < 0\), we find that \({\left\lfloor \sin(n) \right\rfloor} = -1\) infinitely often.