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Refs: ?
What is the affine Grassmannian GrG?
What is the Demazure character formula?
What is geometric Satake?
What are Macdonald polynomials?
The Weyl group: W:=NG(T)/T.
Cocharacter lattice: X∗(T)=Hom(C×,T), and the character lattice X∗(T)=Hom(T,C×).
For K=C((t)), OK=C[[t]].
Loop groups: its R points are LG(R)=G(R((t))).
- Define L+G(R)=G(R[[t]]).
LGm(R) for R∈Alg/C are formal Laurent series with coefficients in R?
Idea: get LG to act on cohomology of the affine Grassmannian to produce representations.
- Only acts projectively, so pass to central extensions. Produces a central charge c:Pic(GrG)→Z.
Heisenberg algebras: central extensions of an abelian algebra, and some analog of the Stone-von-Neumann theorem classifying representations.
ADE groups: simply laced.
Affine Schubert varieties have singularities along their boundary.