Commutative Algebra Problems


  • Show that prime implies irreducible, and the converse only holds for UFDs.
  • Show that maximal implies prime but not conversely, so \(\mspec R \subseteq \spec R\).
  • Give an example of a non-principal ideal.
  • Show that if \(R\) is a UFD then \(R[x]\) is a UFD.
  • Prove Gauss’ lemma.
  • Show that if a ring \(R\) has factorization into irreducibles and irreducibles are prime, then \(R\) is a UFD.
  • Show that \(\kxn\) is a UFD.
  • Show that nonzero proper principal ideals in \(\kxn\) are generated by irreducible polynomials.
  • Describe \(\spec A\) for \(A \da R\plocalize{\mfp}\), and show that \(A\) is local with \(\mfm = \mfp_e\).
  • Show that \(M\tensor_R N\) may equal zero when \(M\neq 0, N\neq 0\).
  • Find a polynomial \(f\in \CC[x]\) such that \(f(\ZZ) \subseteq \ZZ\) but \(f \not\in \ZZ[x]\).
  • Show that primes are principal in a UFD.
  • Show that UFD and PID are equivalent for Dedekind domains.
  • Show that PID implies UFD.
  • Give a necessary and sufficient condition for an irreducible polynomial to be inseparable.
  • Show that in characteristic zero, algebraic implies separable for field extensions.
  • Show that a finitely generated torsionfree \(R\dash\)module need not be free if \(R\) is not a PID.
  • Show that the dual of a finitely generated module need not be finitely generated.
  • Give examples of non-Noetherian rings.
  • Show that \(I\in \Id(R)\) is prime iff \(R\sm I\) is a submonoid of the multiplicative monoid of \(R\), i.e. \(R\sm I\) is multiplicatively closed and contains \(1_R\).

Ring Basics

  • Show that every integral domain is reduced.
  • Give an example of a ring that is not reduced.
  • Show that \(I\) is a radical ideal iff \(A/I\) is reduced.
  • Show that \(R\) Noetherian implies \(R[[x]]\) Noetherian.
  • Show that \(\sqrt{I}\) is an ideal if \(I\) is an ideal.
  • Find a ring satisfying the ACC but not the DCC, and vice-versa.
    • Find a ring that satisfies neither the ACC nor the DCC.
  • Show that the ideal correspondence preserves \(\spec, \mspec,\) and radical ideals.
  • Show that if \(a, b\) are radical ideals then \(a\intersect b\) is radical but \(a+b\) need not be.
  • Show that for a local ring \((R, \mfm)\), \(\jacobsonrad{R} = \mfm\).
  • Show that in a UFD, prime ideals of height 1 are principal.
  • Show that regular rings are Cohen-Macaulay.
  • (Standard exercise) Let \(K\) be a field. A commutative \(K\)-algebra of finite dimension is semisimple if and only if it is reduced.


  • Show that \(R\) is a UFD iff every height 1 prime ideal is principal.
  • Show that powers of a maximal ideal \(\mfm\) are \(\mfm\dash\)primary.
  • Show that if \(A\leq B\) is a subring and \(\mfp \in \spec A\) then there exists \(\mfq \in \spec B\) such that \(\mfq \intersect A = \mfp\).
  • Show that an ideal \(I\normal \kxn\) is homogeneous iff it is graded, i.e. \(I = \bigoplus I_d\) where \(I_d \da I \intersect \kxn_d\), the homogeneous degree \(d\) part of the graded ring \(\kxn\).
  • Let \(k[V]\) be the coordinate ring of a variety, and show that every maximal ideal \(\mfm\in \mspec k[V]\) is of the form \(\mfm_p \da \ts{f\in k[V] \st f(p) = 0}\) for some point \(p\in V\).
  • Show that every \(I\in \Id(R)\) is a projective \(R\dash\)module.

Local Rings

  • Given \((A, \mfm_A)\), show that \(A\localize{\mfm}\) is local. What is its maximal ideal?
  • Show that for a fixed \(S \subseteq R\), there is an exact functor \(S\inv: \mods{R} \to \mods{S\inv R}\).
  • Show that the following are local properties:
    • Being zero, i.e. \(M= 0\) if \(M\localize{\mfm} = 0\) for all \(\mfm\in \mspec R\) for \(\rmod\).
    • Injectivity of module morphisms, i.e. \(M\to N\) is injective iff \(M\localize{\mfm} \to N\localize{\mfm}\) is injective for all \(\mfm \in \mspec R\).
    • Being reduced: \(R\) is reduced iff \(R\localize{\mfm}\) is reduced for all \(\mfm\in \mspec R\).
    • Flatness
    • Exactness, i.e. \(A\to B\to C\) is exact iff \(A\localize{\mfm} \to B \localize{\mfm} \to C\localize{\mfm}\) is exact for all \(\mfm \in \mspec R\)
    • Being integrally closed.
    • Being coprime ideals, i.e. \(I+J = R \iff I_\mfp + J_\mfp = R_\mfp\) for all \(\mfp\in \spec R\).
  • When is a localization a subring of the fraction field?
  • Show that if \(A \rightarrow B\) is a ring homomorphism and \(M\) is a flat \(A\)-module, then \(M_{B}=B \otimes_{A} M\) is a flat B-module. (Use the canonical isomorphisms (2.14), (2.15).)
  • Show that \((A/I)\localize{S} \cong M/IM\) for \(M\da A\localize{S}\)

Noetherian Rings

Exercises in Noetherian rings

Modules and Algebras

  • Show that a morphism \(A\to B\) is the same as giving \(B\) an \(A\dash\)algebra structure.
  • Show that Nakayama's lemma may fail if \(M\) is not finitely generated.
  • Show that if \(A\in \Alg\slice k\) is finite over \(k\) (and an integral domain), then \(A\) is a field.
  • Show that any \(M\in\Alg\slice R\) satisfies \(M = \colim M_\alpha\) where \(\ts{M_\alpha \leq M}\) are all of the finitely generated subalgebras of \(M\).
  • Show that if \(M\in \mods{R}\) with \((R, \mfm)\) a local ring, then the action \(R\actson M/\mfm M\) factors through the residue field \(\kappa(R)\), and \(\ts{g_i}\subseteq M\) generate the quotient as an \(R\dash\)module iff \(\ts{a_i + \mfm M}\) generate the quotient as a \(\kappa(R)\dash\)module.
  • Show that if \(M\in \rmod\) then \(M\dual\dual\) is torsionfree, and conclude that not every module is reflexive.


Exercises in integrality


  • Show that a 0-dimensional domain is a field.
  • Show that a PID is dimension 1 unless it is a field.
  • Show that a 1-dimensional regular local ring is a DVR.
  • For \(A\) a complete local ring, show that \(\dim A = \dim A\complete{\mfm}\)
  • Let \(R = \kxn\) and \(I = \gens{x_1,\cdots, x_n}\). Show that \(\dim R\localize{I} = n\).
  • Find an infinite-dimensional Noetherian domain.
  • Show that a regular local ring is integrally closed, but that there are integrally closed local domains of dimension \(d\geq 2\) which are not regular.
  • Show that \(R\) is a DVR iff \(R\) is a regular local ring of dimension 1.

Number Theory

Homological Algebra

  • Show that \(\cocolim^1 M_k = 0\) if \(M_k \surjects M_{k+1}\) for all \(k\).
  • Show that direct limits commute with tensor products.
  • Show that \(\kxn \tensor_k k[x_{n+1}, \cdots, x_m] \cong k[x_1,\cdots, x_m]\)
  • Show that \(M\tensor_R \wait\) preserves direct sums.
  • Prove that \(\wait \tensor_R M\) is not generally exact for all \(M\in \mods{R}\).
  • Show that localization is exact.
  • Show that \(M\) is flat iff \(\Tor^1(M, R/I)=0\) for all finitely generated ideal \(I\normal R\).
  • Show that \(M\) is flat if \(\wait\tensor_R M \to M\) is a flat morphism, where it suffices to check on all ideals \(I\).
  • Show that if \(R\) is Noetherian and local and \(M\in\mods{R}\), then \(M\) is free iff \(\Tor^1(\kappa(R), M) = 0\) for \(\kappa(R)\) the residue field.


  • Show that a nonzero finitely generated flat module over a local ring is faithfully flat.
  • Show that \(R\to R[x]\) is always a faithfully flat morphism.
  • Show that the category of flat \(R\dash\)modules is closed under direct sums and summands.
  • Show that free implies flat.
  • Show that nonzero vector spaces are faithfully flat.
  • Show that projections \(A\times B\to A\) are flat.
    • Show that if \(A\) is Noetherian, then every flat quotient map is a projection of this form.
  • Show that if \(A\to B\) is a faithfully flat morphism of rings, then for \(M\in\mods{A}\), \(M\) is (faithfully) flat iff \(B\tensor_A M\) is (faithfully) flat.
  • Show that flat = locally free for finitely generated modules.
  • Find a flat but not faithfully flat \(\ZZ\dash\)algebra.
  • Show that a flat morphism of local rings is faithfully flat.
  • If \(f:R\to S\) is flat, show that \(R\plocalize{ (f\inv(\mfp)) } \to S\plocalize{\mfp}\) is faithfully flat.
  • For \(R\to S\) faithfully flat, show that \(S\) Noetherian implies \(R\) is Noetherian, but the converse is not true.
  • Show that if \(f:R\to S\) is faithfully flat then \(f^*: \spec S\to \spec R\) is surjective.
    • Conversely, show that if \(f\) is flat and \(f^*\) is surjective, then \(f\) is faithfully flat.
    • Show that if \(f\) is faithfully flat, then \(f^*\) is a quotient map of topological spaces.
  • Show that being fiathfully flat is preserved under base change.

Numerical Invariants

  • Prove rationality of the Poincare series of any Poincare series of an additive function on modules.
  • What is the Poincare series of \(A = R[x_0,\cdots, x_n]\) for \(R\) an Artin ring?


  • Show that for, \(M\in \Alg\slice R\) finitely presented implies finitely generated.
    • Show that the converse doesn’t generally hold, unless \(R\) is Noetherian.
    • Show that if \(M\) is finitely presented, then for all \(f\) and \(m\), the module of relations \(\ker(A^m \surjectsvia{f} M)\) is finitely generated.
    • Show that finitely generated projective implies finitely presented.
  • Show that any ideal Dedekind domain is finitely generated and projective but not free unless they are principal.
  • Show that for \(P\) or \(P'\) finitely generated projective, \(\Hom(P, P') \cong P\dual \tensor P'\).
  • Show that the going up theorem fails for \(\ZZ \subseteq \ZZ[x]\).
  • Show that the completions of local rings at non-singular points of a variety over \(k\) are all isomorphic.
  • Give an example of a local ring with zero divisors.


  • Show the following: if \(A\) is a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal \(m \subset A\) and if \(m^{n+1}=m^{n}\) then \(m^{n}=(0)\). If \(A\) is a Noetherian integral domain and \(P \subset A\) is a prime ideal then the powers \(\left\{P^{n}\right\}, n \geq 1\), are distinct.
  • Show the following: if \(A\) is a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal \(m \subset A\), then [ \bigcap_{n \geq 1} m^{n}=(0) \text {. } ] If \(A\) is a Noetherian integral domain and \(P \subset A\) is a prime ideal, then \(\bigcap P^{n}=\) (0).
  • Show that a finitely generated projective module \(E\) over a local ring \(A\) is free.