- What is a prime ideal?
- What is a primitive polynomial?
- What is the content of a polynomial?
- What is a separable extension
What is a Galois field extension?
- What is a normal field extension?
- What is a separable field extension?
- What is a divisible group?
- What are Ext and Tor?
What is the module-theoretic definition of a zero-divisor?
What is the annihilator \(\operatorname{Ann}(x)\) of an element \(x\)?
What is the ideal generated by a subset \(S\) of a ring \(R\)?
What is a reduced ring?
What is a local ring?
What is a regular ring?
What is a graded ring?
- What is a filtered ring? What is the difference?
What is a Dedekind domain?
What is a DVR?
What is a Cohen-Macaulay ring?
What is a complete ring?
What is a normal ring?
What is a Noetherian ring?
What is a valuation ring?
What is a Jacobson ring?
What is an Artin ring?
What is a finite ring morphism?
What is a finite type morphism of rings?
What is a finitely generated ring?
What is a regular local ring? (Several characterizations)
What is a semilocal ring?
What is an excellent ring?
What is a Henselian ring?
What is a Gorenstein ring?
What is the localization of a ring?
- What is a saturated multiplicative subset of a ring?
- What are the p-local integers \({\mathbb{Z}} \left[ { \scriptstyle { {p}^{-1}} } \right]\)?
What is the adic completion of a ring?
- What are the p-complete integers \({\mathbb{Z}}{ {}_{ \widehat{p} } }\)? What is the description as a set involving denominators?
What is a local property of a ring?
What is a flat morphism of rings?
What is a local morphism of local rings?
For \(R,S\) local rings, what does it mean for \(R\) to dominate \(S\)?
For a local ring \((R, {\mathfrak{m}})\), what is \(G_{\mathfrak{m}}(R)\)?
What is a connected ring?
What is \({\operatorname{Pic}}(R)\) for \(R\) a ring.
- What is a homogeneous ideal?
- What is the contraction \(I_c\) of an ideal \(I\)?
- What is the extension \(I^e\) of an ideal \(I\)?
- What does it mean for two ideals to be coprime?
What is a fractional ideal?
- What is a principal fractional ideal?
- What is a colon ideal?
- What does it mean for a fractional ideal to be invertible?
- What is the ideal class group?
- What does it mean for an ideal to belong to another ideal?
- What is a factorial ring?
- What is an irreducible ideal?
- What is a nilpotent ideal?
- What is a factorization of ideals?
- What is a primary ideal?
- What is the primary decomposition of an ideal?
- What is the Rees algebra of an ideal?
- What is an invertible ideal?
- What is the group of ideals in a Dedekind domain?
- For \(I{~\trianglelefteq~}R\), what is the associated graded ring \(G_I(R)\)?
- What is a complete set of orthogonal idempotents?
Modules and Algebras
- What is an invertible module?
- What is an algebra?
What is the tensor algebra of a module?
- What is the alternating algebra of a module?
- What is the symmetric algebra of a module?
- What does it means for elements to generate an algebra?
- What is an etale algebra?
- What is a semisimple algebra?
- What is a separable algebra?
- What is a finitely generated \(A{\hbox{-}}\)algebra?
- What is a finite \(A{\hbox{-}}\)algebra?
- What is a finitely presented \(A{\hbox{-}}\)algebra?
- What is a faithful module?
- What is the radical of a submodule?
- What is a primary submodule?
- What does it mean for a module \(M\) to be module-finite over another module \(M'\)?
- What is a finite type module \(M\) over a commutative algebra \(A\)?
- What does it mean to be finitely generated as a module? As a field extension?
- How does a ring morphism induce an algebra structure?
- What is an integral \(A{\hbox{-}}\)algebra?
- What is a reduced \(k{\hbox{-}}\)algebra?
- What is the algebra structure on a tensor product of \(A{\hbox{-}}\)algebras?
- What is base change or extension of scalars?
- What is restriction of scalars?
- What is extension of scalars?
- What is the tensor product in \({\mathsf{R}{\hbox{-}}\mathsf{Mod}}\)?
- What is the tensor algebra in \({\mathsf{R}{\hbox{-}}\mathsf{Mod}}\)?
- What is the symmetric algebra in \({\mathsf{R}{\hbox{-}}\mathsf{Mod}}\)?
- What is the alternating algebra in \({\mathsf{R}{\hbox{-}}\mathsf{Mod}}\)?
- What is a faithfully flat module (resp. morphism) in \({\mathsf{R}{\hbox{-}}\mathsf{Mod}}\)?
- What is a quotient morphism of modules?
- What is a regular element of an algebra?
- What are the norm and trace of a module?
- What is the Cayley-Hamilon theorem for modules?
- What does it mean for a \(k{\hbox{-}}\)algebra to be formally smooth over \(k\)?
Dimension Theory and Numerics
- What is the height of an ideal?
- What is the depth of an ideal?
- What is the codimension of an ideal?
- What is the Krull dimension of a ring?
- What is the global dimension of a ring?
- What is the irrelevant ideal?
- What is the length of a module?
- What is an additive function on a class of modules?
- What is the Poincare series of a graded module?
- What is a Hilbert-Samuel polynomial?
- What is a Hilbert function?
- What is the characteristic polynomial of an \({\mathfrak{m}}{\hbox{-}}\)primary ideal \(I\)?
- What is a system of parameters?
- What is \(k[x]\)? \(k(x)\)? \(k[[x]]\)? \(k((x))\)?
What is the homogenization of a polynomial?
- The dehomogenization?
- For \(R\) a graded ring, what is \(\mathop{\mathrm{Proj}}R\)?
- What is a constructible subset of a Noetherian space?
- What is the coordinate ring \(A(V)\) for \(V\) an irreducible algebraic variety over \(k=\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muk\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu\)?
- For \(k \coloneqq\operatorname{ff}(A)\), what is the rational function field \(k(V)\) on \(V\)?
- What is the local dimension of an algebraic variety at a point?
- What is a flat family?
- What is faithfully flat base change?
- What is a regular sequence
- What is an integral extension of rings?
- What is the integral closure of a subring?
- What does it mean for an integral domain to be ntegrally closed?
- What is a normal integral domain?
- What is an algebraic number field?
- What is the ring of integers?
- What is a uniformizer?
- What is a valuation?
- What is the transcendence degree of a field extension?
For \(G\in {\mathsf{Ab}}{\mathsf{Grp}}\) totally ordered, what is the valuation ring of \(G\)?
- What is the value group?
- What is a Cauchy sequence in a topological group?
- What is a monogenic field extension?