Special types of varieties:
What is a Fano variety?
What is a del Pezzo surface?
What is a ruled variety?
What is a uniruled variety?
What is an elliptic curve?
What is a hyperelliptic curve?
What is the Jacobian of a curve?
What is the special divisor?
What is the ramification divisor?
What is the Frobenius map?
What is an elliptic curve?
What is the \(j\) invariant?
What is the Jacobian variety?
What is an elliptic function?
What is the Hasse invariant?
What is the canonical embedding?
What is an algebraic curve?
What is the genus of a curve? The geometric genus? The arithmetic genus?
What is the dual curve?
What is the resultant?
What is the Kodaira dimension?
What is the Todd genus?
What is a minimal model of a smooth projective variety?
What is an elliptic fibration?
Types of surfaces:
An Enriques surface?
A K3 surface?
A hyperelliptic surface?
An abelian surface?
An elliptic surface?
What is an abelian variety?
What is a log resolution?
What is a rational curve?
What is a stable map?
What is a reducible curve?
What is the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves?
What is Hurwitz’s theorem?
What is the classification of curves in \({\mathbb{P}}^3\)?
What is the Riemann-Hurwitz formula?
What is the genus formula for plane curves?