Curves and Surfaces


  • Special types of varieties:
    • What is a Fano variety?
    • What is a del Pezzo surface?
    • What is a ruled variety?
    • What is a uniruled variety?
    • What is an elliptic curve?
    • What is a hyperelliptic curve?
    • What is the Jacobian of a curve?
  • What is the special divisor?
  • What is the ramification divisor?
  • What is the Frobenius map?
  • What is an elliptic curve?
  • What is the \(j\) invariant?
  • What is the Jacobian variety?
  • What is an elliptic function?
  • What is the Hasse invariant?
  • What is the canonical embedding?
  • What is an algebraic curve?
  • What is the genus of a curve? The geometric genus? The arithmetic genus?
  • What is the dual curve?
  • What is the resultant?
  • What is the Kodaira dimension?
  • What is the Todd genus?
  • What is a minimal model of a smooth projective variety?
  • What is an elliptic fibration?
  • Types of surfaces:
    • An Enriques surface?
    • A K3 surface?
    • A hyperelliptic surface?
    • An abelian surface?
    • An elliptic surface?
  • What is an abelian variety?
  • What is a log resolution?
  • What is a rational curve?
  • What is a stable map?
  • What is a reducible curve?


  • What is the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves?
  • What is Hurwitz’s theorem?
  • What is the classification of curves in \({\mathbb{P}}^3\)?
  • What is the Riemann-Hurwitz formula?
  • What is the genus formula for plane curves?
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