

  • What is a presheaf?
    • What is a sheaf?
    • What is the equalizer characterization of a sheaf?
  • What is the sheafification of a presheaf?
  • What is a morphism of presheaves? Of sheaves?
  • What is a germ?
  • What is the stalk of a sheaf?
  • Some sheafy constructions:
    • What is the kernel sheaf?
    • What is the image sheaf?
    • What is the cokernel sheaf?
    • What is the pullback/pushforward of a sheaf?
  • Some special sheaves:
    • What is the structure sheaf of a scheme?
    • What is a constant sheaf?
    • What is the skyscraper sheaf?
    • What is the canonical sheaf?
    • What is the dualizing sheaf?
    • What is the ideal sheaf?
    • What is a local system?
    • What is an invertible sheaf?
    • What is a constructible sheaf?
    • What is a locally free sheaf?
    • What is a quasicoherent sheaf?
    • What is a coherent sheaf?
    • What is the sheaf of rational functions on a scheme?
    • What is the tangent sheaf?
    • What is the sheaf of relative differentials?
    • What does it mean to twist a sheaf?
  • What is the six functor formalism?


  • What’s special about a very ample invertible sheaf?
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