Varieties: Problems

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  • What is the Nullstellensatz? How is it proved?
  • What is the adjunction formula?
  • What is the Riemann-Roch theorem?
    • What is Riemann-Roch for curves?
    • What is Riemann-Roch for surfaces?
  • What is the Noether formula?
  • What is Serre duality?
  • What is Kodaira vanishing?
  • What is the Hilbert basis theorem?
  • What is Noether normalization?
  • What is Zariski’s main theorem?
  • What is the Stein factorization theorem?
  • What is the Lefschetz hyperplane section theorem?
  • What is the moving lemma?
  • What is the Néron-Severi theorem?
  • What is Bertini’s theorem?
  • What is the Cartan-Serre theorem?
  • What is the Nakai-Moishezon criterion?
  • What is the minimal model theorem for curves?
  • What is the minimal model program for surfaces?
  • What is the going down theorem?
  • What is Hurwitz’s theorem?


  • Show that any affine variety has a unique decomposition into irreducible components.
  • Show that the only irreducible subvarities of ${\mathbb{A}}^2_{/ {k}} $ for \(k\) an infinite field are $\emptyset ,{\mathbb{A}}^2_{/ {k}} $, and irreducible plane curves \(V(f)\) for \(f\) an irreducible polynomial where \(V(f)\) has infinite cardinality.
  • Show that a projective variety \(X\) is irreducible iff \(I(V)\) is a (homogeneous) prime ideal
  • Let \(X \subseteq {\mathbb{A}}^n\), show that \(I(X)\) is radical in \({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{A}}^n}\) and maximal iff \(X\) is a point.
  • Show that \({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{A}}^n}\) is Noetherian.
  • Show that any Zariski open is dense.
  • Show that the Zariski topology on \(X\) is never separated unless \(X\) is a point.
  • Show that \(\operatorname{Spec}k[x]\) with the Zariski topology coincides with the cofinite topology.
  • Show that if \(X, Y\) are affine varieties, then \(X\times Y\) is an affine variety with \({\mathcal{O}}_{X\times Y} \cong {\mathcal{O}}_X \otimes_k {\mathcal{O}}_Y\).
  • Show that any morphism \({\mathbb{A}}^1\to {\mathbb{A}}^1\) or \({\mathbb{A}}^1\setminus\left\{{0}\right\}\to {\mathbb{A}}^1\setminus\left\{{0}\right\}\) is finite.
  • Show that any morphism \({\mathbb{A}}^1\to{\mathbb{A}}^1\setminus\left\{{0}\right\}\) is constant.
  • Show that if \(f:X\to Y\) is quasi-finite, then \(\dim X \leq \dim Y\).
  • Show that if \(f:X\to Y\) is finite and \(\dim X = \dim Y\), then \(f\) is closed and surjective.
  • Can a non-surjective finite morphism exist?
  • Let \(f:X\to Y\) be a dominant morphism of affine varieties. Show that for any \(y\in f(X)\), any irreducible component of the fiber \(f^{-1}(y)\) is an affine variety of dimension \(d\geq \dim X-\dim Y\). Show that equality holds for a Zariski-dense open subset of \(Y\).
  • Show that if \(f\in {\mathcal{O}}_X\) be nonconstant, then any irreducible component of the fiber \(f^{-1}(0)\) has dimension \(d = \dim X - 1\).
  • Let \(X\) be an affine variety with \(\dim X = d\). Show that if \(p\) is a smooth point, \(\dim {\mathbf{T}}_pX = d\), and otherwise \(\dim {\mathbf{T}}_p X > d\).
  • Show that a point \(p\in X\) is smooth iff \(X \hookrightarrow{\mathbb{A}}^n\) is locally a smooth submanifold.
  • Show that \({\mathbf{T}}_p X \cong ({\mathfrak{m}}_p/{\mathfrak{m}}_p^2) {}^{ \vee }\).
  • Show that the singular points of \(X\) form a proper Zariski closed subset, so smooth points form a (dense) Zariski open subset.
  • Show that any normal affine curve is smooth.
  • Show that any Zariski closed subset of \({\mathbb{P}}^n\) is compact in the Hausdorff topology.
  • Show that any projective variety is irreducible.
  • Show that the singular locus \(X^{\mathrm{sing}}\) of a projective variety is a proper Zariski closed subset, and that if \(X\) is normal, every irreducible component of \(X^{\mathrm{sing}}\) has codimension \(d'\geq 2\).
  • Show that a normal projective curve is smooth.
  • Show that if \(X\) is projective and \(Y\) is affine over \(k = {\mathbb{C}}\), then the projection \(\pi_2: X\times Y\to Y\) is proper and closed in the Zariski topology.
  • Let \(f:X\to Y\) with \(X, Y\) projective varieties over \(k= {\mathbb{C}}\).
    • Show that \(f\) is proper and closed.
    • Show that \(f(X)\) is a projective subvariety.
    • Show that if \(f\) is dominant or birational, then \(f\) is surjective and any regular function on \(X\) is constant.
    • Show that if \(U \subseteq X\), then \(\operatorname{ff}{\mathcal{O}}_U = {\mathbb{C}}(X)\).
    • \(f\) is birational iff \(f^*: {\mathcal{O}}_Y\to {\mathcal{O}}_X\) is an isomorphism.
    • \(X\times Y\) is projective, using the Segre embedding.
  • For \(X = V(f) \subseteq {\mathbb{P}}^3\) with \(f\) irreducible homogeneous, show that \(X\) is singular at \(p\) iff \(\operatorname{grad}f(p) = \mathbf{0}\).
    • If \(p\) is smooth, show that the tangent line has the equation \(\operatorname{grad}f (p) \cdot {\left[ {x,y,z} \right]} = 0\).
  • Do isomorphic varieties have isomorphic affine cones?
  • Show that \(\mathop{\mathrm{Aut}}{\mathbb{P}}^n{}_{/ {k}} = \operatorname{PGL}_{n+1}{}_{/ {k}} = \operatorname{GL}_n{}_{/ {k}} /{\mathbb{G}}_m\).
  • Show that a proper morphism between smooth projective curves is an isomorphism.
  • Let \(\tilde X\) be the projective closure of \(X\) and show \(\tilde X = X\cup{{\partial}}X\), where \({{\partial}}X = \left\{{x_0 = 0}\right\} \cap X\).
  • What is $H^* {\mathbb{P}}^n_{/ {k}} $?
  • Show that any smooth cubic in \({\mathbb{P}}^2\) is an elliptic curve.
  • Is every smooth projective curve of genus 0 defined over the field of complex numbers isomorphic to a conic in the projective plane?
  • What is the maximum number of ramification points that a mapping of finite degree from one smooth projective curve over C of genus 1 to another (smooth projective curve of genus 1) can have?
  • Find an everywhere regular differential \(n{\hbox{-}}\)form on \({\mathbb{A}}^n\).
  • Prove that the canonical bundle of \({\mathbb{P}}^n\) is \({\mathcal{O}}(n-1)\)


  • Show that \(V(x^2+y^2+z^2,xyz)\) is a union of 6 lines.

  • Show that \(\operatorname{GL}_n({\mathbb{C}})\) is an affine variety.

  • Show that \({\mathbb{A}}^2_{/ {{\mathbb{C}}}} \setminus\left\{{0}\right\}\) is not an affine variety.

  • Show that the Zariski topology on ${\mathbb{A}}^2_{/ {k}} $ is not the product topology on ${\mathbb{A}}^1_{/ {k}} \times {\mathbb{A}}^1_{/ {k}} $.

  • Show that the affine cubic \(X = V(x(xy-1))\) is reducible and has two irreducible components.

  • Show that \({\mathbb{A}}^1\) is not isomorphic to \(X = V(xy-1)\)

    • Show that \(X\) has two connected components in the Hausdorff topology but is irreducible in the Zariski topology.
  • Consider the morphism \begin{align*} f: {\mathbb{A}}^2 &\to {\mathbb{A}}^2 \\ (x, y) &\mapsto (x, xy) .\end{align*} Is this finite? Dominant? Open? Closed? What are the fibers?

  • Cusps: show that the cuspidal cubic \(X = V(x^3-y^2)\) has a unique singular point.

    • Show that the normalization of \(X\) is \({\mathbb{A}}^1\), using the birational map \(t\mapsto (t^2,t^3)\).
    • Show that the defining polynomial is irreducible in ${\mathbb{C}} { \left[ {x, y} \right] } $. What does this mean in terms of branching?
  • Double points: show that the nodal cubic \(X = V(x^2 - y^2(y-1))\) has a unique singular point.

    • Show that \(X\) locally has two smooth branches at zero meeting transversally.
    • Consider the projectivization \(\tilde X = V(x^2z - y^2(y-z))\). Show that the normalization morphism \(\nu: {\mathbb{P}}^1\to \tilde X\) is birational, and that \(\nu^{-1}(0:0:1)\) is two points. Compare this to Zariski’s main theorem.
  • Write \(\mu_n = \left\{{(x, y)\mapsto (\zeta_n x, \zeta_n y)}\right\}\) and define \(X = \operatorname{mSpec}{\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{A}}^2}^{\mu_n}\) be the subalgebra of \(\mu_d\) invariants, equivalently \(X = {\mathbb{A}}^2/\mu_n\). Show that \(X\) is a normal affine variety with a unique singular point.

  • Show that the image of the Segre embedding \({\mathbb{P}}^1\times{\mathbb{P}}^1 \to {\mathbb{P}}^3\) is the smooth quadric \(V(x_0x_3 - x_1 x_2)\).

  • Define the Weierstrass cubic as \(X\coloneqq V(y^{2} z-(x^{3}+g_{2} x z^{2}+g_{3} z^{3}) )\) for \(g_2, g_3 \in {\mathbb{C}}\). Show that \(X\) is nonsingular iff \(p(x) \coloneqq x^3 + g_2 x + g_3\) has no multiple roots.

  • Let \(X = V(xy-z^2)\) and compute the class group of \(X\).

  • Let \(X = V(y^2-x(x^2-1))\) and compute the class group of \(X\).

  • Compute ${\operatorname{Pic}}{\mathbb{P}}^n_{/ {k}} $.

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