Tags: #study-guides
- What is an algebraic curve?
- What is the genus of a curve?
Special types of varieties:
- What is a Fano variety?
- What is a del Pezzo surface?
- What is a ruled variety?
- What is a uniruled variety?
- What is an elliptic curve?
- What is a hyperelliptic curve?
- What is an abelian variety?
- What is the Jacobian of a curve?
- What is the Jacobian variety?
- What is a Brill-Noether curve?
- What is a Severi-Brauer variety?
- What is the special divisor?
- What is the ramification divisor?
- What is the Frobenius map?
- What is the j invariant?
- What is an elliptic function?
- What is the Hasse invariant?
- What is the canonical embedding?
What is the anticanonical embedding?
- The geometric genus?
- The arithmetic genus?
- The gonality?
- The degree of a morphism \(C\to {\mathbb{P}}^r\)?
- What is the dual curve?
- What is the resultant?
- What is the Kodaira dimension?
- What is the Todd genus?
- What is a minimal model of a smooth projective variety?
- What is an elliptic fibration?
Types of surfaces:
- An Enriques surface?
- A K3 surface?
- An elliptic surface?
- A hyperelliptic surface?
- An abelian surface?
What is the Hirzebruch surface?
- What is a log resolution?
- What is a rational curve?
- What is a stable map?
- What is a reducible curve?
- What is devissage?
- What is a crepant map?
- What is a complete intersection?
- What are ADE singularities?
- What is the Fermat quartic?
- What is Castelnuovo’s theorem?
- What is the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves?
What is the Riemann-Hurwitz theorem for curves?
- \(2-2 g_{1}=2\left(2-2 g_{0}\right)-\displaystyle\sum_{s \in X^{\mathrm{ram}}}\left(e_{s}-1\right)\)
- What is Hurwitz’s theorem?
- What is the classification of curves in \({\mathbb{P}}^3\)?
- What is the Riemann-Hurwitz formula?
- What is the genus formula for plane curves?
- What is the Brill-Noether theorem?
- Why is every genus 2 curve hyperellptic? Why is this not even generically true for \(g\geq 3\)?
- How can you view a curve as a ramified cover of ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{/ {k}} $?
- What is the cohomological criterion for ampleness?
- Why is Zariski’s theorem true?
- What is the Hodge index theorem?
- What is Mori’s theorem?
- What is Zariski’s main theorem?
- What is the minimal model program for surfaces?
- Show that if \(C\) is a smooth proper curve of genus \(g(C)\geq 2\), then \({\sharp}\mathop{\mathrm{Aut}}(G) < \infty\).
- Show that given \(\pi: X \rightarrow Y\), \(Y\) is integrally closed in \(K(X)\) over \(K(Y)\) if and only if \({\mathcal{O}}_{Y} \rightarrow \pi_{*} {\mathcal{O}}_{X}\) is an isomorphism (i.e., \(\pi\) is \({\mathcal{O}}\)-connected).
- Use Tsen’s theorem to show that given a flat family \(X\to Y\) with \(Y\) a curve where the fibers smooth curves of genus 0, this determines a Zariski \({\mathbb{P}}^1{\hbox{-}}\)bundle iff there exists a relative degree 1 line bundle on \(X\) over \(Y\).