Algebra Qual Prep Week 4

Tags: #qual_algebra

Week 4: Rings

  • Morphisms, Ideals, quotients, zero divisors, isomorphism theorems, CRT
  • Irreducible and prime elements, nilpotent, units
  • Radical, nilradical, spec and maxspec
  • Special types: domains, integral domains, Euclidean ⇒ PID ⇒ UFD ⇒?, Dedekind domains, Noetherian, Artinian
  • Zorn’s lemma arguments
  • Bonus optional stuff: localization
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Prove that a commutative ring with unit is a field if and only if its only ideals are {0} and the whole ring

Seminars and Talks/Workshops/Algebra/\_attachments/Untitled 19.png

Show the irreducibility criterion for polynomials \(f\in k[x]\) of degree 2 or 3: such a polynomial is irreducible iff it has no roots in the field k

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