Beilinson-Bloch Conjecture
Reference: Chao Li, “Beilinson-Bloch conjecture for unitary Shimura varieties”. Priinceton/IAS NT Seminar
What is the Beilinson Bloch conjecture?
Beilinson-Bloch conjecture: generalizes the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.
What are higher Chow ring ? What do they generalize?
- Higher Chow groups: generalize the Mordell-Weil group for elliptic curve
I should also review what a placereally is. Definitely what it means to be an Archimedean place. Also double-check the \(v\divides \infty\) notation.
What is an automorphic representation?
See Gross-Zagier formula.
What is a modular curve?
What is a Heegner divisor for some imaginary quadratic field over \({\mathbb{Q}}\) and why can one use the theory of complex multiplication to get it defined over other fields?
Gotta learn modular form. They can take values in the complexification of a Mordell-Weil group? Also need to know something about Hecke operator.
What is a Shimura variety?
What is a theta series? Something here called an arithmetic theta lift, where some pairing form generalizes Gross-Zagier (?). See Beilinson-Bloch height maybe?
I should read a lot more about [[Chow ring|Chow groups]].
What is Betti cohomology?
Why is proving that something is modular form a big deal?
Look for the Kudla Program in arithmetic geometry, and Kudla-Rapoport conjecture.
Comment by Peter Sarnak: BSD was first checked numerically for CM elliptic curves!
- What is the characteristic function of a lattice? What is a self-dual lattice?
What is a Siegel Eisenstein series? Or even just an Eisenstein series.
See Néron-Tate height pairing? Seems like these BB heights can only really be computed locally, then you have to sum over places.
What are the Standard conjectures?
Main formula and big theorem:
attachments/image_2021-04-15-17-35-06.png❗Seems that we know a lot about the LHS, the right-hand side is new. We don’t know nondegeneracy of the RHS, for example, e.g. the pairing vanishing implying the cycle is zero.
- Proof technique: “doubling”.
See Tate conjecture.
Comment from Peter Sarnak: we know very little about where \(L\) functions vanish, except for \(1/2\).
Need to do Resolution of singularities when you don’t have a “regular” (integral?) model.
Paper recommended by Juliette Bruce:
Jonathan Love! Shows some cool consequences of the Beilinson Bloch conjecture, primarily a 2-parameter family of elliptic curve where the image \({\operatorname{CH}}^1(E_1)_0 \otimes{\operatorname{CH}}^1(E_2)_0 \to {\operatorname{CH}}^2(E_1 \times E_2)\) is finite. BB predicts this is always finite when defined over \(k\) a number field.
I should remind myself what local fields and [[global field|global fields]] are.