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Sarkar Wang Paper Talk
Paper: Sarkar-Wang, An algorithm for computing some Heegaard-Floer homologies
- Given \(Y\) a closed oriented smooth 3-manifold, compute the Heegaard-Floer homology \(\widehat{\operatorname{HF}}(Y; {\mathbb{F}}_2) \in {\mathsf{gr}\,}{\mathsf{Ab}}\).
- Given \(K \hookrightarrow Y\) a knot, compute the knot Floer homology \(\widehat{\operatorname{HFK}}(Y, K; {\mathbb{F}}_2)\)
Strategy: turn admissible diagrams into nice diagrams using isotopies and handleslides
- Note: stabilization not used in this paper.
- Main theorem:
Use a cylindrical reformulation of \(\widehat{\operatorname{HF}}\) due to Lipshitz.
Given a pointed Heegaard diagram \begin{align*} ( \Sigma, \vec \alpha, \vec \beta, w) ,\end{align*} the generators of \(\operatorname{CF}\) are formal sums of points \(\mathbf{x} = \sum_{i=1}^{g-k-1} x_i\) where each \(\alpha\) curve contains some \(x_i\) and each \(\beta\) curve contains some \(x_j\), and \(k\) is the number of basepoints in \(\vec w\).
A region is a connected component of the complement of the curves, so \begin{align*} R_i \in \pi_0 \Sigma \setminus\left\{{\vec \alpha, \vec \beta}\right\} .\end{align*} A formal sum of regions is a 2-chain.
Given 2 generators \(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}\) define \(\pi_2(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y})\) to be the set of all 2-chains \(\phi\) satisfying \({{\partial}}^2 \phi = \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}\). Call such 2-chains domains.
Define \(n_p(\phi)\) to be the coefficient of the region \(R_i \ni p\), then \(\phi\) is a positive domain if \(n_p(\geq 0)\) for all \(p \in \Sigma\setminus\left\{{ \vec \alpha, \vec \beta }\right\}\).
Define \(\pi_2^0(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y})\) to be all domains \(\phi\) such that \(n_{\vec w} = 0\). A Heegaard diagram \(\mathcal{H}\) is admissible if for every generator \(\mathbf{x} \in \operatorname{CF}\), every positive domain \(\varphi\in \pi_2^0(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x})\) is trivial.
A region is good if it is an \(n{{\hbox{-}}\mathrm{gon}}\) with \(n\leq 4\), and bad if \(n\geq 5\).
For a disc region \(D\), define the badness \begin{align*} b(D) \coloneqq\max\left\{{n-2, 0}\right\} .\end{align*}
- \(D\in 2{{\hbox{-}}\mathrm{gon}}\implies b(D) = 0\)
- \(D\in 4{{\hbox{-}}\mathrm{gon}}\implies b(D) = 0\)
- \(D\in 6{{\hbox{-}}\mathrm{gon}}\implies b(D) = 1\)
- \(D\in 8{{\hbox{-}}\mathrm{gon}}\implies b(D) = 2\)
Goal: do moves where
- \(d(\mathcal{H}' ) \leq d( \mathcal{H} )\), so total distance doesn’t increase.
- \(b( \mathcal{H}' ) \leq b( \mathcal{H} ) -1\), so badness decreases.
Algorithm Overview
Start from an admissible pointed Heegaard diagram, end up with an admissible nice pointed Heegaard diagram using isotopies and handleslides on the \(\beta\) curves.
Overview of strategy:
- Isotope all regions to disks
- Define a complexity for the diagram
- Show it’s minimized iff all regions not containing basepoints are good
- Do an isotopy or handleslide that strictly decreases the complexity.
- Kill non-disk regions (easier)
- Make all but one region bigons or squares (harder)
Step 1: Killing Non-disk Regions
Short procedure: ensure every \(\alpha\) curve intersects some \(\beta\) curve and vice-versa
Fix \(j\), what is in between \(\alpha_j\) and the nearest \(\beta\) curve?
Case 1: \(\alpha, \alpha, \beta\).
- Connect \(p\) to \(q\), do a finger move of \(\beta\) curve to introduce 2 intersections with chosen \(\alpha\)
- Yields 4 new intersections.
Case 2: \(\alpha, \beta, \beta\).
- Finger move on \(\beta\) curve, pulling all other \(\beta\) curves with it.
Now every \(\alpha_j\) intersects some \(\beta_k\) All non-disk regions have \(\geq 2\) boundary components, so we’ll try to reduce the number of boundary components to one. Problem: poly-annuli regions
How to fix:
- Creates no new non-disks
- Decreases number of boundary components by 1.
- Repeat until equal to 1.
Step 2: Converting Regions to Bigons or Squares
Now all regions are discs.
\(\alpha\) curves should be red, \(\beta\) should be blue!
For a Heegaard diagram \(\mathcal{H}\) define the distance of \(D\) as \begin{align*} d(D) \coloneqq\min \left\{{ {\sharp}(\gamma\cap\vec\beta) {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}w'\in D, w \xrightarrow{\gamma} w', \gamma\in \vec\alpha^c }\right\} \in {\mathbb{Z}}_{\geq 0} .\end{align*}
This is the smallest number of intersection points on any arc connecting the basepoint \(w\) to \(w'\in D\). Define the total distance \begin{align*} d( \mathcal{H} ) \coloneqq\max\left\{{ d(D)}\right\} \in {\mathbb{Z}}_{\geq 0} .\end{align*}
Computing the distance via a path.
Can only cross \(\beta\) curves, need to stay in \(\vec \alpha^c\).
For a fixed distance \(d\) define the distance \(d\) complexity as \begin{align*} c_d \coloneqq{\left[ { \sum b(D_i), -b(D_1), -b(D_2), \cdots} \right]} && b(D_1) \geq b(D_2) \geq \cdots \end{align*} For a fixed \(d\), order various \(c_d( \mathcal{H}' )\) lexicographically.
Main theorem
Setup: fix \(D_0\) to be the region containing the basepoint, \(D_m\) to be the least bad region. Find an adjacent region \(D_*\) with 1 smaller distance:
Idea: we will finger move \(b_*\) through \(D_m\) to reduce the badness of \(D_m\):
Look at what happens locally: we introduce some new regions, usually less bad:
We can push through \(4{{\hbox{-}}\mathrm{gon}}\) regions:
So continue, then do some casework:
Case 1: Reach a Bigon
Case 2: Smaller Distance