What is a prime divisor?
What is a Weil divisor?
What is a Cartier divisor?
What is an effective divisor?
What is a reduced divisor?
What is a principal divisor?
What is the divisor class group?
What does it mean for divisors to be linearly equivalent?
What does it mean for two divisors to be numerically equivalent?
What is the Picard group?
What is the pullback of a divisor?
What is the divisor associated to a section of a bundle?
For \(D\) a prime divisor and \(p\in \mathop{\mathrm{supp}}D\), what is the multiplicity of \(p\) in \(D\)?
What is a SNC divisor?
For \(D\) a divisor, what is \({\mathcal{O}}_X(D)\)?
What is a polarization?
What is an ample divisor?
What is a very ample divisor?
What is a nef divisor?
What is a big divisor?
What is a variety of general type?
What is the ramification divisor of a surjective morphism \(f:X\to Y\) of smooth projective curves?
What is the ramification index?
What is the branch locus?
What is a linear system?
What is a complete linear system?
What is the complete linear system associated to a section?
What is the base locus of a linear system?
What does it mean for a linear system to be base point free?
What is the Riemann-Roch space?
Show that the hyperplane sections of a projective variety \(X\) form a base point free linear system of effective divisors on \(X\).
Show that if \(X\) is normal, then a generic element of this system is a smooth and reduced divisor.