For \(V\) a projective variety, what is \(k[V]\)? What is \(k(V)\)
What is a Noetherian space?
What is an affine variety? A projective variety?
What is the projective closure of an affine variety
What is the dimension of an affine variety?
Given a projective variety \(X\), what is its affine cone?
What are the Zariski closed subsets of \({\mathbb{A}}^n\)?
What is an irreducible subset of an affine variety?
What is a proper variety?
What is a complete variety?
What is a normal affine variety?
What is the normalization of an affine variety?
How is \({\mathcal{O}}_X\) defined for \(X \subseteq {\mathbb{A}}^n\)?
What are the maximal ideals of \({\mathcal{O}}_X(X)\)?
What is the rational function field \(\kappa_X\) of an affine variety?
What does it mean for elements of \(\kappa_X\) to be algebraically independent.
What is a hyperplane section?
What is the hyperplane at \(\infty\) of \({\mathbb{P}}^n\) in coordinates?
What is the degree of a \(k{\hbox{-}}\)dimensional subvariety of \({\mathbb{P}}^n\)?
What is the Néron-Severi group?
What is the canonical bundle? The anticanonical? Pluricanonical bundles?
What is the tautological bundle?
What is the Serre twisting line bundle?
What is the Segre embedding?
What is the Zariski tangent space?
What is a simple/smooth/regular/non-singular point of an affine variety?
What is a cuspidal singularity?
What is a nodal singularity?
What is a normal crossing singularity?
What is an embedding of projective varieties?
What is a birational morphism?
What is a finite morphism?
What is a quasi-finite morphism?
What is the degree of a morphism?
What is a closed morphism?
What is a dominant map between affine varieties?
What is a rational map of affine varieties?
What is the indeterminacy set of a rational map?
What is a Fano variety?
What is a del Pezzo surface?
What is a ruled variety?
What is a uniruled variety?
What is the Kodaira dimension?
What is an elliptic curve?
What is a hyperelliptic curve?
What is…
An Enriques surface?
A K3 surface?
A hyperelliptic surface?
An abelian surface?
An elliptic surface?
What is the blowup of a point? The blowdown?
What is the proper/strict transform?
What is the exceptional curve/divisor?
What is the genus of a curve? The geometric genus? The arithmetic genus?
What is the Todd genus?
What is the Jacobian of a curve?
What is a minimal model of a smooth projective variety?
What is an elliptic fibration?